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Broadband: Observations on Past and Ongoing Efforts to Expand Access and Improve Mapping Data
Successful broadband delivery with challenges Review of the GAO audits concerned with broadband deployment, expecially across areas where costs are high and returns on the investment are low.
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US Government Accountability Office , issued in 2020
Risk cases: 5
The Public Web Sites During a Period of Transmission to e-Government
Websites of e-Transformation Turkish auditors bring back their audit of 2006, in which they, among others reveiwed public websites during a period of transmission to e-Governmentbasics of the e-Transformation project.
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Turkish Court of Accounts , issued in 2006
Risk cases: 6
The BBC’s understanding of its audiences and users
Understand your audience, BBC Audience data and insights are critical to the success of broadcasters - which is also true in the case of the world renowned British Broadcasting Corporation. Auditors reviewed the BBC's main projects and the analyst team dedicated to collect and interpret the audience related information. Data coherence, review of performance and benefits traicing - belong to key areas in need of substantial refinements.
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National Audit Office , issued in 2019
Risk cases: 6
Improving broadband
Lessons of Superfast Programme UK NAO's report on goverments extensive support to the superfast internet, with special focus on the Future Programme perspectives. Influence of the COVID-19 pandemic considered.
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National Audit Office , issued in 2020
Risk cases: 7
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