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IT security in the Federal Administration
The SFAO has audited the Admin PKI – the basic infrastructure and offering for the issuing of digital certificates – within the Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication ... (FOITT). The examination concentrated on assessing the development and current operation as well as future prospects. Admin PKI refers to all processes and the hardware and software needed for issuing ... certificates of different grades. ... Technical and organizational deficiencies work together against data security ... entities' networks. ... Only minor deficiencies were revealed in the Windows environment but only in case of Microsoft products.Providers' lack of both assertiveness and synergy adds to 'the great unknown' of authonomous
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Swiss Federal Audit Office , issued in 2011
Risk cases: 4
Does the Admin PKI correspond to the original objectives and the needs of the Federal Administration and the Cantons?
The SFAO has audited the Admin PKI, the basic infrastructure and offering for the issuing of digital certificates within the Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication ... (FOITT). The examination concentrated on assessing the development and current operation as well as future prospects. Admin PKI refers to all processes and the hardware and software needed for issuing ... certificates of different grades. ... Internal coordination can be more difficult than the external one ... A successful project of digital certificates distribution had difficult time when main Government players disagreed.
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Swiss Federal Audit Office , issued in 2010
Risk cases: 1
Business Continuity Management
Audit Office (SFAO) previously carried out a cross-section audit in 2009 on the BCM measures at nine administrative units of the central Federal Administration. This year’s audit focused ... on the decentralised Federal Administration as well as the Swiss Federal Railways (rail transport and ticket sales) and Swiss Post (PostFinance, Swiss Post Solutions, PostBus). ... Business Continuity Management is a process whereby all necessary measures are taken to ensure that a company can accomplish its core tasks on time even in extraordinary situations. The Swiss Federal ... ... A cross-section audit on business continuity management (BCM) ... The audit points, among others, at a necessary but difficult process chain: Policy - Analysis - Strategy - Planning - Training.
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Swiss Federal Audit Office , issued in 2010
Risk cases: 1
Management of State Information Resources
of Justice, Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Transport and Communications, and Communications Regulatory Authority, a few other entities were interviewed as well. The audit ... was conducted on the assumption that the audited and other entities provided comprehensive and objective information and copies of the documents correspond to the originals. ... The objective of the audit was to assess effectiveness of the management of the state information resources and of the use of their possibilities: suitability of the chosen state resources management ... Well targeted requirements, interconnected information resources and broad use - why so difficult to be gained? ... The leading idea of the 'Approach to Management of State Information Resources' programme was to entrench a comprehensive management of data resources. After five years preparations, the desired ... momentum was still not the case. SAI Lithuania analysed roots of the problems: concept, poor use of funds, lack of interconnections, unsatified users.
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National Audit Office of the Republic of Lithuania , issued in 2013
Risk cases: 3
Quality of public services in information society in 2010
Report: The National Audit Office audited the quality of public services, analysing the compatibility of provision of these services with the principles of good administration. The principles of good ... administration require that people be burdened as little as possible in their relations with public authorities: a person must be able to exercise a right or perform an obligation with as little waste of time ... if this is acceptable to the person in question. Even though state and local government agencies have made efforts to implement the principles of good administration, the National Audit Office cannot affirm ... ... The quality of public services has been improved but still isn’t good enough ... Irrespective of a few positive changes, the quality of provision of public services in information society has not improved significantly in comparison to 2007. Information about the services ... is still difficult to find on websites and people who use public services must still submit unjustified documents, proof of facts or go to administrative agencies in person.
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National Audit Office of Estonia , issued in 2010
Risk cases: 2
Audit on the broadband internet infrastructure access
Poland has been granted over PLN 4 billion from the European Regional Development Fund to build the broadband internet access infrastructure. As part of three operational programmes 90 percent ... of assumed financing was contracted, namely PLN 3.9 billion. By the end of 2015, Poland should complete the investment and account for the expenses. According to NIK there is a risk that the infrastructure ... construction will not be completed by the deadline and the EU funds may not be used to the full. ... ... Simpler regulations and better supervision needed ... Polish SAI audited a project, which aim had been to develop broadband internet network across the country. They revealed that legal obstacles, idleness and lack of supervision were the main causes ... of delays. Some of the projects are in danger of not being completed on time and some of the EU funds may not be fully used.
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Supreme Audit Office of Poland , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 2
Protection of automatically processed personal data
Over the past few years, a number of legal, management, supervision, information, and methodological issues related to the protection of personal data have piled up. As they have not been fully ... resolved,the National Audit Office conducted an audit to assess the efficiency of the protection and supervision of automatically processed personal data and to check whether: - the regulation of personal data ... protection conforms to the data processing practices; - personal data is properly processed at public sector bodies; - the State Data Protection Inspectorate (SDPI) performs sufficient supervision ... ... Data protection needs a long term strategy ... Rapid development of information and communication technology continuously brings about issues of personal data protection. Due to lack of long-term vision in this area they are frequently ... not addressed by the existing legislation. Moreover, SAI of Lithuania revealed failures in organization and control of personal data protection by public sector.
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National Audit Office of the Republic of Lithuania , issued in 2013
Risk cases: 2
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