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Storage of Electronic Documents and Data at the National Archives of Latvia
Ever since electronic documents with legal force equivalent to that of paper documents have entered our daily lives and the majority of state administration processes have been transferred ... in electronic form, many years later.<br/> The audit concerning the storage of electronic documents was carried out in order to assess the development of the area of electronic document circulation and storage ... in the country, realising, that NAL have extensive possibilities for improving the storage of electronic documents. Audit was performed in the Ministry of Culture, National Archives of Latvia, Centre for Culture ... ... Do Archives ensure the storage of e-documents? ... National archives fulfil an important function for storing the documentary heritage and became one of the most important sources of information. But after electronic documents have entered our daily ... lives and majority of state administration processes have been transferred to electronic information systems, the archives still have a lot of work to do for improving the storage of electronic documents ... . SAI Latvia analysed causes of over 12 years with no progress in this domain.
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Ever since electronic documents with legal force equivalent to that of paper documents have entered our daily lives and the majority of state administration processes have been transferred ... in electronic form, many years later.<br/> The audit concerning the storage of electronic documents was carried out in order to assess the development of the area of electronic document circulation and storage ... in the country, realising, that NAL have extensive possibilities for improving the storage of electronic documents. Audit was performed in the Ministry of Culture, National Archives of Latvia, Centre for Culture ... ... Do Archives ensure the storage of e-documents? ... National archives fulfil an important function for storing the documentary heritage and became one of the most important sources of information. But after electronic documents have entered our daily ... lives and majority of state administration processes have been transferred to electronic information systems, the archives still have a lot of work to do for improving the storage of electronic documents ... . SAI Latvia analysed causes of over 12 years with no progress in this domain.
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State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia
, issued in 2015
Risk cases: 3
Management of State Information Resources
The objective of the audit was to assess effectiveness of the management of the state information resources and of the use of their possibilities: suitability of the chosen state resources management ... was conducted on the assumption that the audited and other entities provided comprehensive and objective information and copies of the documents correspond to the originals. ... model; rationality of the use of the State Budget funds when managing information resources; use of the possibilities of the state information resources to improve the performance of the public sector ... Well targeted requirements, interconnected information resources and broad use - why so difficult to be gained? ... The leading idea of the 'Approach to Management of State Information Resources' programme was to entrench a comprehensive management of data resources. After five years preparations, the desired ... momentum was still not the case. SAI Lithuania analysed roots of the problems: concept, poor use of funds, lack of interconnections, unsatified users.
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The objective of the audit was to assess effectiveness of the management of the state information resources and of the use of their possibilities: suitability of the chosen state resources management ... was conducted on the assumption that the audited and other entities provided comprehensive and objective information and copies of the documents correspond to the originals. ... model; rationality of the use of the State Budget funds when managing information resources; use of the possibilities of the state information resources to improve the performance of the public sector ... Well targeted requirements, interconnected information resources and broad use - why so difficult to be gained? ... The leading idea of the 'Approach to Management of State Information Resources' programme was to entrench a comprehensive management of data resources. After five years preparations, the desired ... momentum was still not the case. SAI Lithuania analysed roots of the problems: concept, poor use of funds, lack of interconnections, unsatified users.
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National Audit Office of the Republic of Lithuania
, issued in 2013
Risk cases: 3
Audit of the key ICT project federal GEVER programme Federal Chancellery
During the first stage, two new GEVER (electronic records and process management) products were procured in an open WTO tender within the framework of the two-product strategy (federal GEVER WTO ... procurement project). CHF 1.6 million was spent on these. The departments and Federal Chancellery (departments/FCh) had to choose one of the two products within three months of the contract being awarded. ... ... Advanced process management system's cost-effectiveness and deadlines at risk ... Ever since 1990, sequential controls and file management have been part of the Federal Administration's IT landscape (GEVER business administration). Significant obstacles have to be overcome ... in order to ensure the successful creation and introduction of GEVER. Previous efforts did not have any widespread success and led to a diverse GEVER landscape. The federal GEVER project has now laid ... the foundations for simplification and centralisation.
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During the first stage, two new GEVER (electronic records and process management) products were procured in an open WTO tender within the framework of the two-product strategy (federal GEVER WTO ... procurement project). CHF 1.6 million was spent on these. The departments and Federal Chancellery (departments/FCh) had to choose one of the two products within three months of the contract being awarded. ... ... Advanced process management system's cost-effectiveness and deadlines at risk ... Ever since 1990, sequential controls and file management have been part of the Federal Administration's IT landscape (GEVER business administration). Significant obstacles have to be overcome ... in order to ensure the successful creation and introduction of GEVER. Previous efforts did not have any widespread success and led to a diverse GEVER landscape. The federal GEVER project has now laid ... the foundations for simplification and centralisation.
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Swiss Federal Audit Office
, issued in 2015
Risk cases: 2
Has Public Administration Used All Opportunities for Efficient Management of ICT Infrastructure?
Efficient Management of ICT Infrastructure Centralised management of ICT services and infrastructure would allow the institutions to optimise in long run their resources – financial, human, material and technical. However, we observed during the audit that the move towards ICT centralisation and single data centres has ceased. The different ministries and even the institutions subordinated to the same ministry do not cooperate sufficiently with each other regarding the ICT management, maintenance, and infrastructure placement. They rather choose to maintain their own, sometimes even several, data centres.
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Efficient Management of ICT Infrastructure Centralised management of ICT services and infrastructure would allow the institutions to optimise in long run their resources – financial, human, material and technical. However, we observed during the audit that the move towards ICT centralisation and single data centres has ceased. The different ministries and even the institutions subordinated to the same ministry do not cooperate sufficiently with each other regarding the ICT management, maintenance, and infrastructure placement. They rather choose to maintain their own, sometimes even several, data centres.
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State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia
, issued in 2019
Risk cases: 3
) cyber security is ensured in public establishments. During the audit, the SAI Lithuania analysed current regulation, strategic planning and management practices in the field of cyber security ... and electronic information security as well as the funds allocated and used in this area. The SAI evaluated whether the cyber security and electronic information security objectives detailed in planning documents ... The purpose of the audit was to assess whether cyber security is being ensured in Lithuania. In view of this goal, we assessed whether: (1) an effective cyber security system has been set up; (2 ... ... Cyber-security is much more than preventing incidents ... SAI Lithuania determined that the issue of ensuring and increasing cyber security and resilience has not been effectively addressed at the national level. The focus has primarily been on reacting ... to and preventing incidents in cyber space, which means that traditional issues related to electronic information security (confidentiality, integrity, accessibility) have been neglected, and from 2015, not enough ... attention has been paid to development, legislation, improvement of organisational structure, etc. in this field.
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) cyber security is ensured in public establishments. During the audit, the SAI Lithuania analysed current regulation, strategic planning and management practices in the field of cyber security ... and electronic information security as well as the funds allocated and used in this area. The SAI evaluated whether the cyber security and electronic information security objectives detailed in planning documents ... The purpose of the audit was to assess whether cyber security is being ensured in Lithuania. In view of this goal, we assessed whether: (1) an effective cyber security system has been set up; (2 ... ... Cyber-security is much more than preventing incidents ... SAI Lithuania determined that the issue of ensuring and increasing cyber security and resilience has not been effectively addressed at the national level. The focus has primarily been on reacting ... to and preventing incidents in cyber space, which means that traditional issues related to electronic information security (confidentiality, integrity, accessibility) have been neglected, and from 2015, not enough ... attention has been paid to development, legislation, improvement of organisational structure, etc. in this field.
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National Audit Office of the Republic of Lithuania
, issued in 2015
Risk cases: 6
Information Technology Cost Estimation Agencies Need to Address Significant Weakness in Policies and Practices
and agencies have appropriately implement costestimating policies an procedures(four caracteristics of a reliable cost estimation: comprehensive, well-documented, accurate, credible). ... To estimate reliable cost for the sucess of an IT program by providing the basis for the informed decision making and realistic budget information. To assess the extent to which selected departments ... IT cost estimation ... Check out what may go wrong with the information technology cost estimation. Results of the US GAO audit can help to identify high risk areas: comprehensiveness of estimations, their documentation ... , lack of adequacy and inadequate implementation.
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and agencies have appropriately implement costestimating policies an procedures(four caracteristics of a reliable cost estimation: comprehensive, well-documented, accurate, credible). ... To estimate reliable cost for the sucess of an IT program by providing the basis for the informed decision making and realistic budget information. To assess the extent to which selected departments ... IT cost estimation ... Check out what may go wrong with the information technology cost estimation. Results of the US GAO audit can help to identify high risk areas: comprehensiveness of estimations, their documentation ... , lack of adequacy and inadequate implementation.
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General Accountability Office
, issued in 2012
Risk cases: 4
Performance Audit of the Georgian Government electronic Procurement system
State procurement is one of the key components of public financial management. Its share in state budget is approximately 25 percent. Effective management of state procurements is an important sphere ... . The audit was aimed to identify system’s shortcomings and issue recommendations to eliminate them. To accomplish audit objectives, the auditors assessed the performance of Ge-GP system’s management ... and control mechanisms. Electronic system’s management compliance to relevant laws and regulations has also been studied in the course of the audit. ... ... Electronic procurement system - how effective are management and control mechanisms? ... SAI Georgia analyzed the electronic Government Procurement system. In their report they focus on compliance and security problems, which may harm the business goals and overall mission of the system.
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State procurement is one of the key components of public financial management. Its share in state budget is approximately 25 percent. Effective management of state procurements is an important sphere ... . The audit was aimed to identify system’s shortcomings and issue recommendations to eliminate them. To accomplish audit objectives, the auditors assessed the performance of Ge-GP system’s management ... and control mechanisms. Electronic system’s management compliance to relevant laws and regulations has also been studied in the course of the audit. ... ... Electronic procurement system - how effective are management and control mechanisms? ... SAI Georgia analyzed the electronic Government Procurement system. In their report they focus on compliance and security problems, which may harm the business goals and overall mission of the system.
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State Audit Office Of Georgia
, issued in 2016
Risk cases: 5
Extract from the report to the Public Accounts Committee on the access to IT systems that support the provision of essential services to the Danish society
The report is focused on the significant risk that is associated with inadequate management and control of domain administrator privileges, which makes it possible for unauthorized persons to obtain ... access to the IT systems and data of the institutions. Rigsrevisionen has not examined for what specific purposes unauthorized access to the institutions’ systems and data can be used. ... ... Inadequate management and control of domain administrator privileges ... The Danish report concerns the measures - taken by six government institutions of various branches of State activities - to protect IT systems and data that support the provision of essential ... services to the Danish society from unauthorized access, obtained on the basis of domain administrator privileges.
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The report is focused on the significant risk that is associated with inadequate management and control of domain administrator privileges, which makes it possible for unauthorized persons to obtain ... access to the IT systems and data of the institutions. Rigsrevisionen has not examined for what specific purposes unauthorized access to the institutions’ systems and data can be used. ... ... Inadequate management and control of domain administrator privileges ... The Danish report concerns the measures - taken by six government institutions of various branches of State activities - to protect IT systems and data that support the provision of essential ... services to the Danish society from unauthorized access, obtained on the basis of domain administrator privileges.
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National Audit Office of Denmark
, issued in 2015
Risk cases: 4
Open Government Data - Are all exceptions to the principle of cost-free access and reuse legitimate?
comparisons carried out extremely competently in record time by France's economic units in 36 countries;<br/> - hearings of evidence from competent official authorities, comprising official bodies in France ... The United Kingdom, a country seen, like the United States, as a pioneer in open public data, has estimated at £6.8bn (€7,9bn) the revenue in 2010 and 2011 generated for British society by open ... public data, of which £5bn (€5.8bn) is profit. As an example, a start-up has highlighted the existence of areas in which massive savings can be made by analysing prescriptions of patented drugs ... ... Open data strategy should decide the costs problem ... French Cour des comptes presents analysis on implementation of the open data practice across the administration. Massive savings are expected, when public access to large amounts of highquality data ... is made easy. France is among the pioneers and countries making the most rapid progress in this domain. Charges for the reuse of the public information has been identified as the main problem.
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comparisons carried out extremely competently in record time by France's economic units in 36 countries;<br/> - hearings of evidence from competent official authorities, comprising official bodies in France ... The United Kingdom, a country seen, like the United States, as a pioneer in open public data, has estimated at £6.8bn (€7,9bn) the revenue in 2010 and 2011 generated for British society by open ... public data, of which £5bn (€5.8bn) is profit. As an example, a start-up has highlighted the existence of areas in which massive savings can be made by analysing prescriptions of patented drugs ... ... Open data strategy should decide the costs problem ... French Cour des comptes presents analysis on implementation of the open data practice across the administration. Massive savings are expected, when public access to large amounts of highquality data ... is made easy. France is among the pioneers and countries making the most rapid progress in this domain. Charges for the reuse of the public information has been identified as the main problem.
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Cour des comptes
, issued in 2013
Risk cases: 1
Audit of the procurement of ICT products with the potential to be standard products
ICT procurement system reviewed SFAO points out what is critical in ICT procurement. Requirements management is extremely important, as well as procurement strategies for relevant product groups. Legal rules should protect investments and support competition, but they can still be insufficient without appropriate reporting - if you want your system to adapt to changes.
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ICT procurement system reviewed SFAO points out what is critical in ICT procurement. Requirements management is extremely important, as well as procurement strategies for relevant product groups. Legal rules should protect investments and support competition, but they can still be insufficient without appropriate reporting - if you want your system to adapt to changes.
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Swiss Federal Audit Office
, issued in 2015
Risk cases: 4