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Electronic Records. Management and Preservation Pose Challenges
Basics of electronic records management This audit of GAO, reported in 2003, can be helpful in looking for basic problems in electronic records management. These problems are compounded as computer hardware, application software, and even storage media become obsolete, as they may leave behind electronic records that can no longer be read.
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General Accountability Office , issued in 2003
Risk cases: 7
Storage of Electronic Documents and Data at the National Archives of Latvia
Ever since electronic documents with legal force equivalent to that of paper documents have entered our daily lives and the majority of state administration processes have been transferred ... in electronic form, many years later.<br/> The audit concerning the storage of electronic documents was carried out in order to assess the development of the area of electronic document circulation and storage ... in the country, realising, that NAL have extensive possibilities for improving the storage of electronic documents. Audit was performed in the Ministry of Culture, National Archives of Latvia, Centre for Culture ... ... Do Archives ensure the storage of e-documents? ... National archives fulfil an important function for storing the documentary heritage and became one of the most important sources of information. But after electronic documents have entered our daily ... lives and majority of state administration processes have been transferred to electronic information systems, the archives still have a lot of work to do for improving the storage of electronic documents ... . SAI Latvia analysed causes of over 12 years with no progress in this domain.
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State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 3
Electronic Health Records - VA Needs to Identify and Report Existing System Costs
Difficulties after 30 years of decentralized development The US Department of Veterans Affairs provides health care services to approximately 9 million veterans and their families. However, the IT system they use is more than 30 years old, is costly to maintain, and does not fully support exchanging health data. The US GAO, analyzed the system's modenization plans and found serious problems with definition and cost estimation.
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US Government Accountability Office , issued in 2019
Risk cases: 3
Report on the problems connected with the development and implementation of the digitally based Shared Medication Record
for the hospitals have made an adequate effort to develop and implement the Shared Medication Record (SMR). With the SMR, data on the citizens’ medication can be shared across hospitals, general practitioners, etc ... The purpose of the examination was to assess whether the department of the Danish Ministry of Health, the Danish National eHealth Authority (NHA) and the five regions that are responsible ... . and relevant health staff and the patients have direct digital access to updated medical data round the clock. The report answers the following questions: 1) Has the Ministry of Health and the NHA provided ... ... Involvement of key participants necessary from the very beginning ... Digitally based Shared Medication Record is basis of the complex healthcare system. Rigsrevisionen analysed unsolved issues related to unclear business case, insufficient analysis of work flows ... and processes leading to implementation problems, governance not involving key players, and IT security organisation.
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National Audit Office of Denmark , issued in 2014
Risk cases: 2
Management of State Information Resources
The objective of the audit was to assess effectiveness of the management of the state information resources and of the use of their possibilities: suitability of the chosen state resources management ... was conducted on the assumption that the audited and other entities provided comprehensive and objective information and copies of the documents correspond to the originals. ... model; rationality of the use of the State Budget funds when managing information resources; use of the possibilities of the state information resources to improve the performance of the public sector ... Well targeted requirements, interconnected information resources and broad use - why so difficult to be gained? ... The leading idea of the 'Approach to Management of State Information Resources' programme was to entrench a comprehensive management of data resources. After five years preparations, the desired ... momentum was still not the case. SAI Lithuania analysed roots of the problems: concept, poor use of funds, lack of interconnections, unsatified users.
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National Audit Office of the Republic of Lithuania , issued in 2013
Risk cases: 3
The National Offender Management Information System (NOMIS)
This report examines the reasons for the delays and cost increases to the original integrated information system and, since the moratorium imposed by the Minister of State in order to seek options ... for project’s cost reduction, the aims of the revised National Offender Management Service (NOMS) and the progress made, the impact of the delays and rescoping on the costs and benefits achieved, and NOMS ... ’ fitness to deliver. The aim of one integrated information system (C-NOMIS i.e. National Offender Management Information System) was to improve information sharing about offenders; address the lack ... Rescoping necessary, but not fully successful ... An initiative to build a single offender management IT system for the prison and probation services has not delivered value for money. The NAO investigation found the project had been hampered ... by poor management leading to a three-year delay, a doubling in project costs and reductions in scope and benefits.
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National Audit Office , issued in 2009
Risk cases: 4
FEMA Needs to Address Management Weaknesses to Improve Its Systems
Controls in emergency management GAO audited the agency of the Department of Homeland Security, responsible for federal efforts to mitigate, respond to, and recover from disasters. American auditors recommend that the agency fully define its investment board’s roles and responsibilities and procedures for selecting and overseeing investments, update its strategic plan and complete plans for IT modernization, and establish time frames for completing workforce planning efforts. The agency should also establish policies and guidance for implementing key IT management controls.
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General Accountability Office , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 4
Results of the development of the state’s information systems
The National Audit Office has repeatedly audited the management and development of the state’s information technology (IT) area in the last ten years. The last audit was performed in 2005. After that ... management and the state’s coordination mechanism in this process. ... , several measures have been implemented in the state to organise the development better and to guarantee that the systems are compatible. This audit gives an opinion of the results of development project ... ... Success and failure depend on preparation ... Conclusions of performance IT audit based on a sample of government projects: business portal, land register, e-police, fire safety monitoring system, childcare information system and the document ... management system of the Defence Forces. Key problems and discussion with auditees are presented.
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National Audit Office of Estonia , issued in 2010
Risk cases: 3
Management and implementation of 1BestariNet
the management and implementation of 1BestariNet was carried out economically, efficiency and effectively to achieve the inttended objectives. AUDIT SCOPE: The audit scope includes planning, implementation ... and monitoring of 1BestariNet Project. The audit was carried out at 1BestariNet’s Project Management Office, Ministry of Education Malaysia (Education Technology Division, Procurement and Asset Management Division ... and documents related to 1BestariNet project, data analysis, physical check on the 1BestariNet network, walk through system, visit to the 1BestariNet Data Centre located at the vendor’s premise, interviews ... ... To answer big risks in IT systems development you need all levels of organisation ... to be avoided. To maximize performance and minimize vendor lock-in you need a lot of concerted effort by top and line management, as well as users ready to work with new tools. ... Audit of 1BestariNet is presented by the Malaysian National Audit Department together with other IT projects reviewed. A result is this concise and instructive list of lessons learnt and failures
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National Audit Department of Malaysia , issued in 2013
Risk cases: 4
Management of Police Information Resources
, monitoring, evaluation and coordination and other aspects of registers and IS strategic management. The audited period was 2012-2014. For the analysis, there were used previous data and data of 2015 ... . The objective of the audit is to evaluate information resource management and development control of the Department of Police. ... Police tasks of the necessary data are processed departmental registers, information systems, automated data processing systems and networks where information is stored, processed and transferred ... ... Fundamentals of IT organisation ... and well understood architecture of information. Well functioning IT management structures, which on the other hand may sound trivial, were proved here as the key to success. ... Review by SAI Lithuania makes readers aware that nowadays it is difficult to develop a larger IT system without whole conceptual infrastracture: planning composed into strategy of the organisation
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National Audit Office of the Republic of Lithuania , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 4
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