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Effectiveness of the Tax Administration of the Republic of Slovenia in the execution of modernisation projects of the Slovenian duty information system and decreasing the number of duty sub-accounts
The Tax Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter: the Tax Administration) is responsible for collecting taxes, fees and other compulsory levies (hereinafter: duties ... ). These are the revenue of the state budget, municipal budgets, the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia, the Institute for Pension and Disability Insurance of Slovenia (hereinafter: duties recipients) and indirectly ... of the European Union budget. In order to improve its operations, the Tax Authority decided to modernise the Slovenian duties’ collection information system. It used this opportunity to implement also a second ... ... Shaky coordination of investments in important systems ... Slovenian SAI traced a series of problems in management of crucial IT investments in tax administration. Apart from promising goals, unclear business case gave a start to many problems at next stages ... of the project, involving additional spendings, delays and errors in data processing.
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Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia , issued in 2014
Risk cases: 7
VAT risk assessment - better use made of information generated by inspections on company premise
Tax inspections may add up to the VAT risk assessment, but... The audit by the German BRH shows that general tax inspections on company premises can also reveal facts that may be relevant for VAT risk assessment. 'However, this information cannot be adequately used for VAT risk assessment because it is not available in electronic format.'
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Bundesrechnungshof , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 1
Report to on the user-friendliness and user involvement in the development of e-government services in Denmark
e-government services: - NemID (EasyID – the Danish public sector common digital signature solution), The Danish Agency for Digitisation (the Ministry of Finance); - TastSelv Borger (E-tax self-service ... ), The Danish Customs and Tax Authorities (the Ministry of Taxation); - The Danish electronic land registration system, The Court Administration (the Ministry of Justice); - online notification of change ... The e-government user-friendliness requirements are divided into five overall categories: language, design and flow, data and functionality, and accessibility. 1) The objective of the study ... ... User-friendliness of public services should be consistenty required and tested ... The Danish Rigsrevisionen is of the opinion that the user-friendliness of the services can be improved if the authorities meet all the requirements of the Danish Agency for Digitisation concerning ... the matter. The audit covered user-friendliness related problems in case of five systems, before and after the launch. The systems take-up was also considered, as well as communicating with citizens who ... are unable to use digital services.
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National Audit Office of Denmark , issued in 2013
Risk cases: 2
Managing the risk of legacy ICT to public service delivery
The cross-government report describes the case studies from four public services (state pension, Value Added Tax collection, prescription payment and consumer credit licensing services) selected ... to illustrate the range of approaches that small and large government bodies are taking to address the issues arising from legacy ICT (defined as "systems and applications that have been operationally embedded ... within a business function but superseded by newer and more effective technologies or changed business needs"). ... Possible approaches to the problem of 'legacy ICT' ... UK’s government experience in managing the risks connected to legacy ICT provides valuable insight for others facing the same problem and are considering transforming their services.
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National Audit Office , issued in 2013
Risk cases: 3
Open Government Data - Are all exceptions to the principle of cost-free access and reuse legitimate?
The United Kingdom, a country seen, like the United States, as a pioneer in open public data, has estimated at £6.8bn (€7,9bn) the revenue in 2010 and 2011 generated for British society by open ... models for all existing fee regimes applied to the use of public data, notably by auditing the relevant costs and revenue" and has entrusted to me the task of providing input for that assessment.<br ... public data, of which £5bn (€5.8bn) is profit. As an example, a start-up has highlighted the existence of areas in which massive savings can be made by analysing prescriptions of patented drugs ... ... Open data strategy should decide the costs problem ... French Cour des comptes presents analysis on implementation of the open data practice across the administration. Massive savings are expected, when public access to large amounts of highquality data ... is made easy. France is among the pioneers and countries making the most rapid progress in this domain. Charges for the reuse of the public information has been identified as the main problem.
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Cour des comptes , issued in 2013
Risk cases: 1
Storage of Electronic Documents and Data at the National Archives of Latvia
Information Systems, State Revenue Service, Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs, Court Administration, Register of Enterprises, and Riga District Court ... Ever since electronic documents with legal force equivalent to that of paper documents have entered our daily lives and the majority of state administration processes have been transferred ... to electronic information systems, the role of the archives has become unclear — whether an inhabitant can rely on that the archives will be able to issue statements in the areas, which are currently processed ... ... Do Archives ensure the storage of e-documents? ... National archives fulfil an important function for storing the documentary heritage and became one of the most important sources of information. But after electronic documents have entered our daily ... lives and majority of state administration processes have been transferred to electronic information systems, the archives still have a lot of work to do for improving the storage of electronic documents ... . SAI Latvia analysed causes of over 12 years with no progress in this domain.
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State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 3
The National Government Service Centre – Has administration become more effective?
The purpose of this audit has been to investigate whether the Service Centre has made administrative operational support functions taken over from client agencies more effective, and to find ... explanations for the results so far achieved by the Service Centre. The audit has also aspired to illustrate how agencies that do not subscribe to the services regard their potential for doing so ... . These viewpoints have been analysed with a special focus on the conditions that applied to the Service Centre when it was formed and the measures taken by the Government and the Service Centre in the first years. ... ... Has Swedish public administration become more effective? ... number of state employees. However, subscription to the Service Centre was initially slower than the Government had predicted and meant lower revenues than expected in autumn 2013. The Service Centre ... The Service Centre – payroll and financial administration IT system for Swedish public agencies under the government – has achieved the target of a subscription rate of 25 per cent of the total ... then introduced a rigorous review of its expenditure, for example for some planned development initiatives for internal procedures and support systems.<br/>The Swedish NAO noted that the Government’s steering
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Swedish National Audit Office , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 2
Audit of the asset preservation and management activities of state-owned (partly state-owned) economic organisations – HungaroControl Hungarian Air Navigation Services Pte.Ltd.Co.
Compliance review of an air traffic services provider Lack of formal approval of the 2014 annual report was an issue found by Hungarian auditors in HungaroControl, a state-owned company, which provides training for air traffic personnel and carries out air navigation research and development.
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State Audit Office of Hungary , issued in 2017
Risk cases: 1
Open Data Trend Report 2015
How to activate the open data policy The Dutch SAI looks for ways to improve open data practice in the Netherlands. They point at experience of two leading countries: UK and US, and advise to: prepare a concrete action plan, to increase number of mandatory published data, to develop government-wide data inventory and to put open data to work.
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Netherlands Court of Audits , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 4
Population registration - uphill quality work
Quality of population register The Swedish NAO notes that quality requirements for population registration are highand that quality work should concentrate on the errors that have the most seriousconsequences for society. They point then at the need to increase knowledge of the errors, improve IT tools and governance to receive more quality work.
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Swedish National Audit Office , issued in 2017
Risk cases: 4
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