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Analysis of Trends in SAI Japan’s Findings
Analysis of IT audit cases by Board of Audit of Japan in years 2004-12. ... Not used IT systems and overpaid 'ghost' services ... Wrap-up of almost a decade of SAI of Japan's IT related audits results in a form of list of most often found problems. On the top of the list are unwanted or overpaid IT systems and too expensive ... maintanance. It makes you thinking: if one of the world technology leaders could find this, what could we find in our country...
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Board of Audit of Japan , issued in 2014
Risk cases: 3
The Ministry of the Environment lacks a compact information system and still uses 125 separate information systems and databases
of the MoE. The audit identified the following risks: (1) non-existence of the Integrated environmental information system (IEIS) as an independent information system; (2) purchase of ICT, within the budget ... The objective of the audit was to scrutinise the management of funds earmarked for the purchase and administration of ICT within the MoE and selected organisations which come under the management ... chapter of the MoE, through a state co-funded organisation CENIA which comes under the management of the MoE; (3) utilisation of the information systems. The audited period was 2010 to 2013; where relevant ... ... Ministry of the Environment manages 125 information systems and databases ... The Ministry of the Environment (MoE) has for more than 20 years a legal obligation to administer and manage an Integrated Environmental Information System (IEIS). In spite of this fact, the existing ... systems (more than 125 information systems and databases) are designed, implemented and managed as individual information systems without a direct integration into a joint point of reference.
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Supreme Audit Office of Czech Republic , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 7
Management of State Information Resources
. Audit procedures were performed in all major institutions which form and implement the policy of information resources: Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry ... The objective of the audit was to assess effectiveness of the management of the state information resources and of the use of their possibilities: suitability of the chosen state resources management ... model; rationality of the use of the State Budget funds when managing information resources; use of the possibilities of the state information resources to improve the performance of the public sector ... Well targeted requirements, interconnected information resources and broad use - why so difficult to be gained? ... The leading idea of the 'Approach to Management of State Information Resources' programme was to entrench a comprehensive management of data resources. After five years preparations, the desired ... momentum was still not the case. SAI Lithuania analysed roots of the problems: concept, poor use of funds, lack of interconnections, unsatified users.
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National Audit Office of the Republic of Lithuania , issued in 2013
Risk cases: 3
Storage of Electronic Documents and Data at the National Archives of Latvia
in electronic form, many years later.<br/> The audit concerning the storage of electronic documents was carried out in order to assess the development of the area of electronic document circulation and storage ... Ever since electronic documents with legal force equivalent to that of paper documents have entered our daily lives and the majority of state administration processes have been transferred ... to electronic information systems, the role of the archives has become unclear — whether an inhabitant can rely on that the archives will be able to issue statements in the areas, which are currently processed ... ... Do Archives ensure the storage of e-documents? ... National archives fulfil an important function for storing the documentary heritage and became one of the most important sources of information. But after electronic documents have entered our daily ... lives and majority of state administration processes have been transferred to electronic information systems, the archives still have a lot of work to do for improving the storage of electronic documents ... . SAI Latvia analysed causes of over 12 years with no progress in this domain.
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State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 3
The National Government Service Centre – Has administration become more effective?
. These viewpoints have been analysed with a special focus on the conditions that applied to the Service Centre when it was formed and the measures taken by the Government and the Service Centre in the first years. ... The purpose of this audit has been to investigate whether the Service Centre has made administrative operational support functions taken over from client agencies more effective, and to find ... explanations for the results so far achieved by the Service Centre. The audit has also aspired to illustrate how agencies that do not subscribe to the services regard their potential for doing so ... ... Has Swedish public administration become more effective? ... The Service Centre – payroll and financial administration IT system for Swedish public agencies under the government – has achieved the target of a subscription rate of 25 per cent of the total ... number of state employees. However, subscription to the Service Centre was initially slower than the Government had predicted and meant lower revenues than expected in autumn 2013. The Service Centre ... then introduced a rigorous review of its expenditure, for example for some planned development initiatives for internal procedures and support systems.<br/>The Swedish NAO noted that the Government’s steering
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Swedish National Audit Office , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 2
Quality of public services in information society in 2010
The National Audit Office found that irrespective of a few positive changes, the quality of provision of public services in information society has not improved significantly in comparison to 2007 ... . Information about the services is still difficult to find on websites and people who use public services must still submit unjustified documents, proof of facts or go to administrative agencies in person ... . A positive example is registration of a person’s place of residence, which has become considerably easier and user-friendlier than in 2007 as a result of the development of the state portal. <br/> 2007 Audit ... ... The quality of public services has been improved but still isn’t good enough ... Irrespective of a few positive changes, the quality of provision of public services in information society has not improved significantly in comparison to 2007. Information about the services ... is still difficult to find on websites and people who use public services must still submit unjustified documents, proof of facts or go to administrative agencies in person.
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National Audit Office of Estonia , issued in 2010
Risk cases: 2
IT security in the Federal Administration
The SFAO has audited the Admin PKI – the basic infrastructure and offering for the issuing of digital certificates – within the Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication ... (FOITT). The examination concentrated on assessing the development and current operation as well as future prospects. Admin PKI refers to all processes and the hardware and software needed for issuing ... certificates of different grades. ... Technical and organizational deficiencies work together against data security ... Only minor deficiencies were revealed in the Windows environment but only in case of Microsoft products.Providers' lack of both assertiveness and synergy adds to 'the great unknown' of authonomous ... entities' networks.
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Swiss Federal Audit Office , issued in 2011
Risk cases: 4
Management and implementation of 1BestariNet
1BestariNet Service Project (1BestariNet) is an initiative undertaken by the Malaysian Ministry of Education (MOE) to replace and enhance ICT connectivity in schools. It is an enhancement ... to the SchoolNet service which terminated on 31 December 2010 with emphasis on end-to-end solutions (E2E) network services together with Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Under this project, 10,000 primary ... and secondary public schools in Malaysia are equipped with high-speed 4G Internet access and a virtual learning platform, providing high-speed internet connectivity and access to a world-class Integrated Learning ... ... To answer big risks in IT systems development you need all levels of organisation ... Audit of 1BestariNet is presented by the Malaysian National Audit Department together with other IT projects reviewed. A result is this concise and instructive list of lessons learnt and failures ... to be avoided. To maximize performance and minimize vendor lock-in you need a lot of concerted effort by top and line management, as well as users ready to work with new tools.
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National Audit Department of Malaysia , issued in 2013
Risk cases: 4
Effectiveness of development of broadband network or high-speed internet
The National Audit Office audited whether the state has made every effort to ensure that everyone can have unlimited access to fast internet connection by 2020. The National Audit Office also ... analysed whether the network of fibre-optical cables or the basic broadband network, which is built with European Union support and should guarantee high-speed internet connection, has helped to achieve ... this goal. ... ... ... Slower broadband paid by customers ... The Estonian Information Society Development Plan foresees that high-speed internet of 30 Mbit/s should be accessible to all people in Estonia by 2020 and that 60% of the population will be using ... superfast internet of over 100 Mbit/s. To achieve these goals, the state, with the help of European Union support, decided to establish a broadband network which is not further than 1.5 km from 98% of homes ... and institutions. Private companies have not entirely met the Government's expectations. The Estonian SAI has looked for an answer: Why?
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National Audit Office of Estonia , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 3
State funds spent on development, operation and using of data centres services
The aim of the audit was to scrutinise the management of funds spent on building and operating the national data centre (hereinafter “STC1 data centre”), including the expenditure of selected ... organisational units of the state on buying hosting, server-housing and other related services. The audited period was between 2010 and 2014; where relevant, the preceding period was also scrutinised. Audited ... entities: Ministry of the Interior (“MoI”); Ministry of Finance (“MoF”); STÁTNÍ TISKÁRNA CENIN, state firm (state banknote printing firm, hereinafter “STC” or “the state firm”). The audit was conducted ... ... Risks steming from uncoordinated strategy ... SAI of Czech Republic analysed consequences of failures in strategic IT management at the state level. Lack of coordination and implementation rules reduced practical role of the ministry whose task ... was to guard high quality standards for all crucial IT systems in the state administration. Next consecquences were (among others) risk of uneconomical results of large IT investment and risk of inefficient ... supply of services, as well as opposite results of workforce reduction.
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Supreme Audit Office of Czech Republic , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 7
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