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Management and protection of assets in the field of the information-communication technologies at the ME SR
the compliance with the generally binding legal regulations and the general statues in the field of the information-communication technologies (ICT) and the information systems of the public administration (ISPA ... ) with emphasis on the use of the information technology (IT) services provided by the third parties. The vast amount of irregularities was found, especially many cases of failure to comply with the standards ... internal and security directives, unidentified critical and strategic Information Systems (IS), absolutely unsatisfying principles, procedures, conditions and policy relating to the data backuping (and ... ... Started from contracting, ended in security ... The perceptive and filled with findings audit - conducted by the Slovak SAI - discovered the list of issues which started in careless contracting procedures, failure to update the development concept ... and ended in exposing the organization to high security risks.
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Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic , issued in 2012
Risk cases: 4
Results of the development of the state’s information systems
The National Audit Office has repeatedly audited the management and development of the state’s information technology (IT) area in the last ten years. The last audit was performed in 2005. After that ... , several measures have been implemented in the state to organise the development better and to guarantee that the systems are compatible. This audit gives an opinion of the results of development project ... management and the state’s coordination mechanism in this process. ... ... Success and failure depend on preparation ... Conclusions of performance IT audit based on a sample of government projects: business portal, land register, e-police, fire safety monitoring system, childcare information system and the document ... management system of the Defence Forces. Key problems and discussion with auditees are presented.
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National Audit Office of Estonia , issued in 2010
Risk cases: 3
The Board of Audit and Inspection (BAI) conducted an audit on the information systems in the area of service delivery to improve the system’s efficiency and convenience.
Korea was recognized as an Information Technology (IT) powerhouse by the international community of the UN in 2010. Such an achievement is attributable to the significant investments that the Korean ... government has commissioned toward improving the country’s information infrastructure within a short period of time.<br/> The government is investing 1 trillion won every year in an e-government project ... for citizens in the welfare and employment sectors by utilizing the renewed information infrastructure.<br/> However, the information system of some government ministries proved to have overlapping functions ... Enormous IT investments require tremendous coordination ... and the speed, the information technologies are implemented with, cause some problems to be tackled. The SAI Korea turns special atention to two of them: overlapping functionalities and interconnectivity issues. ... Korean government is investing 1 trillion won in e-government projectsevery year. Thus, the country has earned a reputation for the IT powerhouse. Apart from undeniable advantages, the huge scale
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Board of Audit and Inspection of Korea , issued in 2011
Risk cases: 3
Management and protection of assets in the field of the information-communication technologies at the AO SR
and security of the information-communication technologies (ICT) and the information systems of the public administration (ISPA) as well as the state assets administration, the economy and disposal ... and security of assets of the information systems (IS), in the area of business continuity and the IS restoring and also several cases of lawbreaking in the field of accounting. ... The Supreme Audit office of the Slovak Republic (SAO SR) has executed the audit at the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic (AO SR) for the audit period 2010 and 2011 to verify the operation ... ... ... Failure to comply with the law leads to unnecessary jeopardizing of data security ... The audit in the field of the information systems of the public administration (ISPA) executed by the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic at the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic (AO ... SR) exposed several deficiencies related to the information systems and the data security as a consequence of a lawbreaking.
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Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic , issued in 2011
Risk cases: 4
Management of Information Resources of the Ministry of the Interior
works is being implemented7 and the Information Technology and Communications Department under the Ministry of the Interior was appointed one of the four public IT service providers. <br/> The purpose ... of 2016. For data analysis, data from other periods was used. The audit was conducted in the Ministry of the Interior. We also collected information at the Information Technology and Communications ... Many activities of the Ministry of the Interior require the use of information resources that are of great significance to the entire State, such as the state and departmental registers, and public ... ... Process maturity examination can help in IT audit ... Main risk areas in case of this audit were strategic and organisational - Ministry’s weak ownership of IT resources, insufficient audit and internal control function. SAI Lithuania auditors found ... also flaws in change management and security processes. But the finding, which gave them the key to the root cause of problems, was connected with maturity assessment of the auditee's IT processes.
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National Audit Office of the Republic of Lithuania , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 4
Traffic Ticketing information system
The audit included two areas of focus - the environment surrounding the Traffic Ticketing Information System - the System (designed to input, process, manage and collect payment for the traffic ... tickets) and also the internal environment of the System that guarantees the quality of its performance and safety. ... Security can hinder effectiveness ... SAI of Kuwait analysed system supporting collection of the traffic tickets - data input, processing and management. What was found was lack of basic safety measures, that hindered the effectiveness ... of the system.
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State Audit Bureau of Kuwait , issued in 2014
Risk cases: 3
Performance Audit of Public Debt Management Information Systems
The usage and development of the information technologies in public financial management is an important priority of the country at the phase of intensive implementation of electronic governance ... (E-Governance). The fact that information systems play crucial role in the business processes of the Ministry of Finance affects the state and the public in general. <br/> Bearing in mind the role and importance ... of information systems in the public debt management process and having considered legal requirements to information security, State Audit Office of Georgia conducted Performance Audit of Public Debt Management ... ... More effective IT governance needed ... information systems of the Ministry Of Finance of Georgia, Supreme Audit Institutions of 11 countries also studied this topic, both in terms of systems’ performance and their practical application by local ... Importance of effective performance of public debt management e-systems may be explained by the world’s increased dependence on such systems. In parallel with the performance audit of debt management ... financial institutions. Audit conducted by the State Audit Office of Georgia has revealed security and governance shortcomings related to management and usage of these systems.
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State Audit Office Of Georgia , issued in 2014
Risk cases: 5
Use of European Union funds in promoting information society
The National Audit Office audited the use of the aid allocated from the structural funds of the European Union (hereinafter EU aid) in the information technology (IT) area of the state. The National ... Audit Office checked whether the distribution of funds for the development of the information society has been balanced and transparent, and whether the distribution of aid is adequately supervised ... . Balanced distribution of aid means that development of the information society entails paying attention (and ideally providing proportional funding) to information systems aimed at the public sector, private ... Riigikontroll auditeeris Euroopa Liidu struktuurifondidest ehk tõukefondidest eraldatud toetuste (edaspidi ELi toetusraha) kasutamist riigi infotehnoloogia (IT) valdkonnas. Uuriti, kas raha jagamine ... infoühiskonna arendamise eesmärgil on olnud tasakaalustatud ja läbipaistev ning kas toetuste jagamise üle tehakse piisavat järelevalvet. Riigikontrolli hinnangul on riik infoühiskonna arengukava rakendamiseks ... toetuste jagamisel keskendunud liiga riigile suunatud IT-arenduste rahastamisele ning jätnud tagaplaanile ettevõtete konkurentsivõime parandamisele ja kolmandale sektorile suunatud IT arendusprojektide ... Balance needed for success of Information Society Development Plan ... 50% of aid has been granted primarily for the development of information systems of state agencies, i.e. as much as the other two target groups - business and citizens - put together. Information ... , true suppervision and measurement of progress are listed by the Estonian SAI as next key elements necessary to keep balanced development of strategy for Information Society.
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National Audit Office of Estonia , issued in 2012
Risk cases: 2
The National Offender Management Information System (NOMIS)
This report examines the reasons for the delays and cost increases to the original integrated information system and, since the moratorium imposed by the Minister of State in order to seek options ... ’ fitness to deliver. The aim of one integrated information system (C-NOMIS i.e. National Offender Management Information System) was to improve information sharing about offenders; address the lack ... for project’s cost reduction, the aims of the revised National Offender Management Service (NOMS) and the progress made, the impact of the delays and rescoping on the costs and benefits achieved, and NOMS ... Rescoping necessary, but not fully successful ... An initiative to build a single offender management IT system for the prison and probation services has not delivered value for money. The NAO investigation found the project had been hampered ... by poor management leading to a three-year delay, a doubling in project costs and reductions in scope and benefits.
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National Audit Office , issued in 2009
Risk cases: 4
State aid for IT projects in social and health care
In 2000-2009 about 180 million euros in national and European Union funds went to finance information technology projects in social and health care, not including the costs of developing national ... information system services (KanTa project) or the National Project for Social Services IT (Tikesos project). Financing has been provided by the Ministry of Social Affairs and H ealth, the Finnish Funding ... Agency for Technology and Innovation (Tekes), regional councils (previously state provincial offices), and indirectly by the Slot Machine Association under the direction of the Ministry of Social Affairs ... Difficult coordination of IT projects ... coordination of the financing information technology projects, including double financing. ... Finish Audit Office analyzed results of poor cooperation between authorities on national and local level in social and health care projects: difficult integration of information systems and poor
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National Audit Office of Finland , issued in 2011
Risk cases: 3
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