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Analysis of Trends in SAI Japan’s Findings
Analysis of IT audit cases by Board of Audit of Japan in years 2004-12. ... Not used IT systems and overpaid 'ghost' services ... Wrap-up of almost a decade of SAI of Japan's IT related audits results in a form of list of most often found problems. On the top of the list are unwanted or overpaid IT systems and too expensive ... maintanance. It makes you thinking: if one of the world technology leaders could find this, what could we find in our country...
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Board of Audit of Japan , issued in 2014
Risk cases: 3
Evaluation of the effectiveness of implementation and compliance with regulatory enactments and the legal framework of the project “E-government Portfolio”
The objective of the audit is to evaluate the effectiveness of implementation and compliance with regulatory enactments and the legal framework of the project “Egovernment Portfolio” of the national ... programme of the European Regional Development Fund (hereinafter: ERDF) of the European Union (hereinafter: EU), “Development and improvement of the infrastructural foundation for electronic governance”. ... ... Funds to absorb but no efficient project methodology? Be prepared for troubles ... Wide list of problems that can be met when more care is received by 'absorb funds' objective than by clear vision what and how can be improved. SAI Latvia's analysis shows how dangerous it can ... be for both effectiveness and financial management.
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State Audit Office of Latvia , issued in 2010
Risk cases: 3
Is the project 'E-health in Latvia' a step towards the right direction?
Objective of the audit was to verify efficiency and productivity of the actions by the institutions in charge for implementation of the e-health, as well as to audit economy and productivity of use ... of funds invested in the project for achievement of set objectives and gaining the planned benefits. Audit covered such main questions: 1) Will the e-health policy be able to solve problems and achieve ... the objective? 2) Are the actual activities performed by the National Health Service justified for achievement of the set objectives? 3) Will necessary information security and personal data protection be ensured ... E-health is a step forward in right direction, but not all objectives will be reached! ... , thus the objective of this policy – to promote more effective provision of healthcare services will be attained only partially. ... Project “E-health in Latvia” supports healthy lifestyle, it will provide valuable and accessible information and will promote more efficient provision of services to patients. It is undoubtedly ... a step towards the right direction then. However, as found the Latvian SAI, the e-health policy will not be implemented within the initially planned scope and deadline and within set data security levels
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State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 3
Management and implementation of 1BestariNet
Solution. 1BestariNet serves as a major catalyst for internet penetration in Malaysia as well as the projected increase in national income. AUDIT OBJECTIVE: The audit was carried out to evaluate whether ... the management and implementation of 1BestariNet was carried out economically, efficiency and effectively to achieve the inttended objectives. AUDIT SCOPE: The audit scope includes planning, implementation ... and documents related to 1BestariNet project, data analysis, physical check on the 1BestariNet network, walk through system, visit to the 1BestariNet Data Centre located at the vendor’s premise, interviews ... ... To answer big risks in IT systems development you need all levels of organisation ... Audit of 1BestariNet is presented by the Malaysian National Audit Department together with other IT projects reviewed. A result is this concise and instructive list of lessons learnt and failures ... to be avoided. To maximize performance and minimize vendor lock-in you need a lot of concerted effort by top and line management, as well as users ready to work with new tools.
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National Audit Department of Malaysia , issued in 2013
Risk cases: 4
Maintenance efficiency in the rail network
The primary objective of railway politics is to contribute to ensure that users of the transport service have good railway options. The Norwegian National Rail Administration is organised under ... , fixed assets and operational stability of the railway system. The most important objective for the maintenance is to reduce the scope of operational interruptions, and to facilitate better punctuality ... and regularity in rail traffic. The Storting has been informed on multiple occasions that there is a maintenance backlog in the Norwegian railway infrastructure.<br/> The objective of the investigation has been ... ... Rail network maintenance - negative balance of costs and results ... SAI Norway evaluated efficiency of the railway maintenance and found that its costs increased nearly 110 per cent in years 2006–2014. Negative development in uptime and regularity dominated the first ... part of the examined period, from 2006 to 2011. It turned positive from 2011, but in 2014 results were still worse than in 2006. The results have lagged behind the Ministry's target figures for most ... of the period.
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Office of the Auditor General of Norway , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 2
Management of State Information Resources
The objective of the audit was to assess effectiveness of the management of the state information resources and of the use of their possibilities: suitability of the chosen state resources management ... was conducted on the assumption that the audited and other entities provided comprehensive and objective information and copies of the documents correspond to the originals. ... model; rationality of the use of the State Budget funds when managing information resources; use of the possibilities of the state information resources to improve the performance of the public sector ... Well targeted requirements, interconnected information resources and broad use - why so difficult to be gained? ... The leading idea of the 'Approach to Management of State Information Resources' programme was to entrench a comprehensive management of data resources. After five years preparations, the desired ... momentum was still not the case. SAI Lithuania analysed roots of the problems: concept, poor use of funds, lack of interconnections, unsatified users.
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National Audit Office of the Republic of Lithuania , issued in 2013
Risk cases: 3
Cyber Attacks: Securing Agencies’ICT Systems
within government may also misuse information which they are authorised to access, or may inappropriately access and use government information holdings. <br/> Audit objective was to assess selected ... Cyber crime is an international problem, and it is estimated that in 2012, 5.4 million Australians fell victim to such crimes, with an estimated cost to the economy of $1.65 billion ... . In the government sector, the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD)3 has estimated that between January and December 2012, there were over 1790 security incidents against Australian Government agencies. Of these, 685 ... ... Cyber-security strategy needs consistent implementation and periodic reviews ... application, 3. patching operating systems, 4. minimising administrative privileges. Analysis by the ANAO helps to fill gaps and to direct next steps. ... List of 35 mitigation controls against cyber intrusions are a basic tool of information security strategy of the Australian Government. Top four are: 1. application whitelisting, 2. patching
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The Australian National Audit Office , issued in 2014
Risk cases: 3
Activities of the state in implementing the e-health system - Do the state, doctors and patients benefit from ehealth?
. E-health solutions also save patients time. <br/> The purpose of the audit was to assess whether the objectives set to e-Health – higher quality of the health service and more efficient organisation ... Estonia’s population is aging and the share of elderly people is increasing, as fewer children are being born and people are living longer. This creates a constantly growing need for health ... and social services and patients are also becoming more and more demanding about the volume and quality of the services provided. The more extensive and systematic implementation of e-health solutions helps ... ... Why state, doctors and patients do not benefit from e-Health as much as they could? ... The report reviews whether the objectives set to the e-Health – ambitious multiyear program of Estonian Government - have been achieved. They are: higher quality of the health service and more ... efficient organisation of health care. As SAI Estonia found out, wide range problems started from two basic points: lack of strategic manager and unrealisitc schedule.
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National Audit Office of Estonia , issued in 2014
Risk cases: 3
Correct information at the right time in healthcare and nursing – collaboration without effect?
The Swedish National Audit Office has conducted an audit to determine whether Government initiatives have contributed to the objective that authorised healthcare staff shall have access to the right ... patient information at the right time by means of direct electronic access. ... ... Information share is crucial for competitive health care ... Health and social care staff has very limited access to patient information from other care-giving institutions, which may lead to health damage and wrong-treatment. The cooperation between ... the Government and the municipalities must improve if the investments in better access to common patient information shall get impact in practice.
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Riksrevisionen (Swedish National Audit Office) , issued in 2011
Risk cases: 3
Lessons learned from government ICT-projects
This audit has been performed on request of the Dutch parliament. Some newspapers mentioned government losses of four to five billion euro's on a yearly bases. These news items caused the parliament ... to request this audit. The audit has been performed in only 5 months time and consisted of the re-use of earlier performed audits. We have 'recycled' earlier findings about ICT-projects. ... 'Expensive' does not always mean 'High Quality', so... do not feed the spiral ... Excellent analysis of systemic errors commited when designing Government IT projects. The report aims at the essence of problems which are encountered far from information technologies - in: politics ... , business, psychology... Do not be mislead by date of report, it is evergreen for all who really want to know why IT projects fail.
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Netherlands Court of Audits , issued in 2007
Risk cases: 3
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