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Report on the problems connected with the development and implementation of the digitally based Shared Medication Record
ensured an adequate level of IT security? 4) Has the Ministry of Health informed the Finance Committee of the Danish Folketing (parliament) correctly on the development and implementation of the SMR system? ... The purpose of the examination was to assess whether the department of the Danish Ministry of Health, the Danish National eHealth Authority (NHA) and the five regions that are responsible ... for the hospitals have made an adequate effort to develop and implement the Shared Medication Record (SMR). With the SMR, data on the citizens’ medication can be shared across hospitals, general practitioners, etc ... ... Involvement of key participants necessary from the very beginning ... Digitally based Shared Medication Record is basis of the complex healthcare system. Rigsrevisionen analysed unsolved issues related to unclear business case, insufficient analysis of work flows ... and processes leading to implementation problems, governance not involving key players, and IT security organisation.
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National Audit Office of Denmark , issued in 2014
Risk cases: 2
Cyber Attacks: Securing Agencies’ICT Systems
were considered serious enough to warrant a Cyber Security Operations Centre response. <br/> The protection of Australian Government systems and information from unauthorised access and use is a key ... posture of the selected agencies, based on their implementation of the four mandated mitigation strategies and IT general controls. In the government sector, the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) has ... Cyber crime is an international problem, and it is estimated that in 2012, 5.4 million Australians fell victim to such crimes, with an estimated cost to the economy of $1.65 billion ... ... Cyber-security strategy needs consistent implementation and periodic reviews ... application, 3. patching operating systems, 4. minimising administrative privileges. Analysis by the ANAO helps to fill gaps and to direct next steps. ... List of 35 mitigation controls against cyber intrusions are a basic tool of information security strategy of the Australian Government. Top four are: 1. application whitelisting, 2. patching
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The Australian National Audit Office , issued in 2014
Risk cases: 3
The Board of Audit and Inspection (BAI) conducted an audit on the information systems in the area of service delivery to improve the system’s efficiency and convenience.
for citizens in the welfare and employment sectors by utilizing the renewed information infrastructure.<br/> However, the information system of some government ministries proved to have overlapping functions ... and there was a noticeable lack of connectivity between them. Errors and omitted data by the administrators were discovered as well, leading to the citizens losing faith in the system. ... Korea was recognized as an Information Technology (IT) powerhouse by the international community of the UN in 2010. Such an achievement is attributable to the significant investments that the Korean ... Enormous IT investments require tremendous coordination ... Korean government is investing 1 trillion won in e-government projectsevery year. Thus, the country has earned a reputation for the IT powerhouse. Apart from undeniable advantages, the huge scale ... and the speed, the information technologies are implemented with, cause some problems to be tackled. The SAI Korea turns special atention to two of them: overlapping functionalities and interconnectivity issues.
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Board of Audit and Inspection of Korea , issued in 2011
Risk cases: 3
Public access point to the Polish e-Administration
Coordinated audit series (46 auditees) focused on a web solution applied to give an easy access to Government e-services (the project planned to be completed in 2013) The audit was performed in 2008 ... and public report issued in March 2009. Primary goal of th presentation was intended to illustrate the use of 'e-Government Algorithm' elaborated by EUROSAI IT Working Group in 2005. One of issues mede better ... known by the audit was 'Project Frameworks vs Public Procurement'. ... ... Buyer, provider and methodologies need a balance ... Presentation based on a vast audit by Polish SAI which subject was of big network project aiming to provide one access point to Government and Selfgovernments services. The presentation illustrates ... old EUROSAI IT Wg 'Algorithm approach' and focuses on procurement systemic problems.
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Supreme Audit Office of Poland , issued in 2008
Risk cases: 3
Activities of the state in implementing the e-health system - Do the state, doctors and patients benefit from ehealth?
make the health system more efficient, improves people’s health via more effective prevention, raises the awareness of patients and also contributes to the more reasonable use of health resources ... Estonia’s population is aging and the share of elderly people is increasing, as fewer children are being born and people are living longer. This creates a constantly growing need for health ... and social services and patients are also becoming more and more demanding about the volume and quality of the services provided. The more extensive and systematic implementation of e-health solutions helps ... ... Why state, doctors and patients do not benefit from e-Health as much as they could? ... The report reviews whether the objectives set to the e-Health – ambitious multiyear program of Estonian Government - have been achieved. They are: higher quality of the health service and more ... efficient organisation of health care. As SAI Estonia found out, wide range problems started from two basic points: lack of strategic manager and unrealisitc schedule.
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National Audit Office of Estonia , issued in 2014
Risk cases: 3
Audit to the Social Security Systems of Collection of Contributions and Quotes and Relationship with Banking and other Entities Engaged in Collection Initiatives
into the system in the first quarter of 2007, test the reliability, stability and confidence level of the application systems developed and the respective values processed in the entire collection circuit ... The audit aims to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the processes implemented in respect of the processing schemes of contributions/quotas, whose Wages Statements (WS) entered ... and respective accounting, and also check compliance with the contracts celebrated with banking entities. ... ... Application level of Social Security IS analyzed ... Processes maturity and automation of controls appeared to be main problems in the system which reliability, stability and confidence level were tested.
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Risk cases: 2
Effectiveness of the Tax Administration of the Republic of Slovenia in the execution of modernisation projects of the Slovenian duty information system and decreasing the number of duty sub-accounts
of the European Union budget. In order to improve its operations, the Tax Authority decided to modernise the Slovenian duties’ collection information system. It used this opportunity to implement also a second ... project aiming at lessening taxpayers’ administrative burdens by decreasing the number of duty sub-accounts. The modernisation of the Tax Authority’s duties’ collection information system had brought about ... The Tax Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter: the Tax Administration) is responsible for collecting taxes, fees and other compulsory levies (hereinafter: duties ... ... Shaky coordination of investments in important systems ... Slovenian SAI traced a series of problems in management of crucial IT investments in tax administration. Apart from promising goals, unclear business case gave a start to many problems at next stages ... of the project, involving additional spendings, delays and errors in data processing.
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Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia , issued in 2014
Risk cases: 7
Audit of the Government, Government-guaranteed and Municipal Debt Management Information Systems in the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Bulgaria
The main audit question studied during the audit was: Are the government, government-guaranteed (SDMS) and municipal debt management information systems (CMDR) at the Ministry of Finance effective ... ? The audit covered the period from 01.01.2013 to 31.12.2013 and investigated four major areas: IT system strategy and general management; IT security and controls against disasters; Operational controls ... and Documentation; Application Controls. ... ... Even effective and modern IT systems require improvements and updates to ensure their security and accountability ... the established system is effective and provides updated, complete and correct information. Nevertheless the audit report points out areas of security, application controls as well as documentation as the subjects ... For the management of the government, government-guaranteed and municipal debt the Ministry of Finance has established an advanced integrated information infrastructure. According to Bulgarian SAI ... that need further improvement and optimization.
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Bulgarian National Audit Office , issued in 2014
Risk cases: 3
VETERANS’ HEALTH CARE - Preliminary Observations on VHA’s Claims Processing Delays and Efforts to Improve the Timeliness of Payments to Community Providers
/> This statement, which is based on ongoing work, summarizes GAO’s preliminary observations about (1) VHA’s, Medicare’s, and TRICARE’s claims processing timeliness in fiscal year 2015; (2) factors that have impeded ... Due to increases in expenditures and utilization of VA care in the community services in recent years, VHA has had difficulty processing claims in a timely manner. In planning to consolidate its ... existing VA care in the community programs, as required by law, the agency said it will examine strategies for improving the timeliness and accuracy of its payments to community providers.<br ... Data processing hold back by technology limitation, workload and administrative burden ... US GAO analyzed all factors of slower processing and user unfriendliness that occur sometimes to the veterans healthcare. The main focus is data processing - and it has been proved that it can ... be failing not only because of technology, but also because of work-process design, staff and organisation.
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General Accountability Office , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 6
Open Government Data - Are all exceptions to the principle of cost-free access and reuse legitimate?
/> In order to address this issue, the commission has endeavoured to base its considerations on:<br/> - the work done on a regular basis over the last twenty or so years by Government on issues relating ... The United Kingdom, a country seen, like the United States, as a pioneer in open public data, has estimated at £6.8bn (€7,9bn) the revenue in 2010 and 2011 generated for British society by open ... public data, of which £5bn (€5.8bn) is profit. As an example, a start-up has highlighted the existence of areas in which massive savings can be made by analysing prescriptions of patented drugs ... ... Open data strategy should decide the costs problem ... French Cour des comptes presents analysis on implementation of the open data practice across the administration. Massive savings are expected, when public access to large amounts of highquality data ... is made easy. France is among the pioneers and countries making the most rapid progress in this domain. Charges for the reuse of the public information has been identified as the main problem.
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Cour des comptes , issued in 2013
Risk cases: 1
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