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Audit of the DTI key project Polycom Value Preservation 2030 with a focus on the border security subnetwork
The Swiss Federal Audit Office’s recent review of the Polycom Value Preservation 2030 project highlights effective management and coordination by the Federal Office for Customs and Border Security. Despite the rapid technological transition, the project remains on track for completion by the end of 2024, with dismantling expected by the end of 2025. This audit underscores the project’s robust planning and execution, ensuring Switzerland’s security radio system is up-to-date and reliable. Polycom is the security radio system of Switzerland's authorities and organisations for rescue and security. Due to the manufacturer's change of technology, the system in Switzerland needs to be brought up to date. Parallel operation is necessary as long as both technologies are in use. The Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (FOCBS) is con- tributing around CHF 65 million to this technological development. Together with the Fed- eral Office for Civil Protection (FOCP), the Confederation is investing a total of around CHF 160 million in this project.
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The Swiss Federal Audit Office’s recent review of the Polycom Value Preservation 2030 project highlights effective management and coordination by the Federal Office for Customs and Border Security. Despite the rapid technological transition, the project remains on track for completion by the end of 2024, with dismantling expected by the end of 2025. This audit underscores the project’s robust planning and execution, ensuring Switzerland’s security radio system is up-to-date and reliable. Polycom is the security radio system of Switzerland's authorities and organisations for rescue and security. Due to the manufacturer's change of technology, the system in Switzerland needs to be brought up to date. Parallel operation is necessary as long as both technologies are in use. The Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (FOCBS) is con- tributing around CHF 65 million to this technological development. Together with the Fed- eral Office for Civil Protection (FOCP), the Confederation is investing a total of around CHF 160 million in this project.
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Swiss Federal Audit Office
, issued in 2024
Risk cases: $risks.size()
The Actıvıtıes Carrıed out wıthın the Framework of e-Transformatıon Turkey Project
'e-Transformation Turkey' Project Turkish SAI report presents a checklist of issues, which were spotted during the large scale e-Government transformation.
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'e-Transformation Turkey' Project Turkish SAI report presents a checklist of issues, which were spotted during the large scale e-Government transformation.
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Turkish Court of Accounts
, issued in 2006
Risk cases: 4
Smart tax administration system
Smart tax vs. shadow economy Lithuanian taxpayers use the e-services and the Lithuanian state uses a data analytics centre to handle part of the identified data modelling. The smart tax administration project's objetives are to enhance the positive processes. As the SAI Lithuania discovered, due to the implementation weaknesses, however, the project's success may be partially reduced.
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Smart tax vs. shadow economy Lithuanian taxpayers use the e-services and the Lithuanian state uses a data analytics centre to handle part of the identified data modelling. The smart tax administration project's objetives are to enhance the positive processes. As the SAI Lithuania discovered, due to the implementation weaknesses, however, the project's success may be partially reduced.
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National Audit Office of the Republic of Lithuania
, issued in 2019
Risk cases: 5
The Public Web Sites During a Period of Transmission to e-Government
Websites of e-Transformation Turkish auditors bring back their audit of 2006, in which they, among others reveiwed public websites during a period of transmission to e-Governmentbasics of the e-Transformation project.
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Websites of e-Transformation Turkish auditors bring back their audit of 2006, in which they, among others reveiwed public websites during a period of transmission to e-Governmentbasics of the e-Transformation project.
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Turkish Court of Accounts
, issued in 2006
Risk cases: 6
The BBC’s understanding of its audiences and users
Understand your audience, BBC Audience data and insights are critical to the success of broadcasters - which is also true in the case of the world renowned British Broadcasting Corporation. Auditors reviewed the BBC's main projects and the analyst team dedicated to collect and interpret the audience related information. Data coherence, review of performance and benefits traicing - belong to key areas in need of substantial refinements.
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Understand your audience, BBC Audience data and insights are critical to the success of broadcasters - which is also true in the case of the world renowned British Broadcasting Corporation. Auditors reviewed the BBC's main projects and the analyst team dedicated to collect and interpret the audience related information. Data coherence, review of performance and benefits traicing - belong to key areas in need of substantial refinements.
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National Audit Office
, issued in 2019
Risk cases: 6
Improving government’s planning and spending framework
Value for money vs. short-term planning NAO reviewed the UK government's progress in improving their planning and spending framework. The auditors found that the complex structure and lack of longer term perspective in planning form a significant obstacle to fully benefit from the framework.
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Value for money vs. short-term planning NAO reviewed the UK government's progress in improving their planning and spending framework. The auditors found that the complex structure and lack of longer term perspective in planning form a significant obstacle to fully benefit from the framework.
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National Audit Office
, issued in 2018
Risk cases: 7
The Art of Governing – the Government’s management of cultural sector institutions
The Art of Influencing cultural institutions Cultural sector is characterised by a large number of small government agencies, companies, foundations and a large diversity of operational forms. Governments may then have problems with the risk of conflicting goals.
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The Art of Influencing cultural institutions Cultural sector is characterised by a large number of small government agencies, companies, foundations and a large diversity of operational forms. Governments may then have problems with the risk of conflicting goals.
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Swedish National Audit Office
, issued in 2019
Risk cases: 5
Improving broadband
Lessons of Superfast Programme UK NAO's report on goverments extensive support to the superfast internet, with special focus on the Future Programme perspectives. Influence of the COVID-19 pandemic considered.
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Lessons of Superfast Programme UK NAO's report on goverments extensive support to the superfast internet, with special focus on the Future Programme perspectives. Influence of the COVID-19 pandemic considered.
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National Audit Office
, issued in 2020
Risk cases: 7
The rural broadband programme
Intervention in a noncompetitive market The British NAO's audit report of 2013 concerns ambitious yet delayed UK government programme, which objective was to have the best superfast broadband network in Europe by 2015. The report focuses on one of the programme's main problems: rural areas, where commercial providers had no plans to invest, because of lower returns.
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Intervention in a noncompetitive market The British NAO's audit report of 2013 concerns ambitious yet delayed UK government programme, which objective was to have the best superfast broadband network in Europe by 2015. The report focuses on one of the programme's main problems: rural areas, where commercial providers had no plans to invest, because of lower returns.
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National Audit Office
, issued in 2013
Risk cases: 7
Is Cybercrime Combated Effectively
Good coordination needed to fight cybercrime SAI Lithuania noticed that with the growing amount of cybercrimes, the society must be prepared to recognise the threats of cybercrime and be able to protect itself from them. There is a number of forces capable of preventing and investigating this type of crime, but auditors identified shortcomings in cybercrime prevention and investigation processes, starting from lack of common taxonomy and criteria.
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Good coordination needed to fight cybercrime SAI Lithuania noticed that with the growing amount of cybercrimes, the society must be prepared to recognise the threats of cybercrime and be able to protect itself from them. There is a number of forces capable of preventing and investigating this type of crime, but auditors identified shortcomings in cybercrime prevention and investigation processes, starting from lack of common taxonomy and criteria.
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National Audit Office of the Republic of Lithuania
, issued in 2020
Risk cases: 6