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The Swedish Transport Administrations support to research and innovation
Robust internal control required to manage innovations The Swedish agency dealing with transport innovations did not use sufficient control over its research funds, shows the audit of the Swedish National Audit Office. The deficiencies include risk analysis, administrative procedures and management of taxpayers' money.
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Robust internal control required to manage innovations The Swedish agency dealing with transport innovations did not use sufficient control over its research funds, shows the audit of the Swedish National Audit Office. The deficiencies include risk analysis, administrative procedures and management of taxpayers' money.
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Swedish National Audit Office
, issued in 2018
Risk cases: 3
FEMA Needs to Address Management Weaknesses to Improve Its Systems
Controls in emergency management GAO audited the agency of the Department of Homeland Security, responsible for federal efforts to mitigate, respond to, and recover from disasters. American auditors recommend that the agency fully define its investment board’s roles and responsibilities and procedures for selecting and overseeing investments, update its strategic plan and complete plans for IT modernization, and establish time frames for completing workforce planning efforts. The agency should also establish policies and guidance for implementing key IT management controls.
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Controls in emergency management GAO audited the agency of the Department of Homeland Security, responsible for federal efforts to mitigate, respond to, and recover from disasters. American auditors recommend that the agency fully define its investment board’s roles and responsibilities and procedures for selecting and overseeing investments, update its strategic plan and complete plans for IT modernization, and establish time frames for completing workforce planning efforts. The agency should also establish policies and guidance for implementing key IT management controls.
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General Accountability Office
, issued in 2016
Risk cases: 4
Audit of the procurement of ICT products with the potential to be standard products
ICT procurement system reviewed SFAO points out what is critical in ICT procurement. Requirements management is extremely important, as well as procurement strategies for relevant product groups. Legal rules should protect investments and support competition, but they can still be insufficient without appropriate reporting - if you want your system to adapt to changes.
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ICT procurement system reviewed SFAO points out what is critical in ICT procurement. Requirements management is extremely important, as well as procurement strategies for relevant product groups. Legal rules should protect investments and support competition, but they can still be insufficient without appropriate reporting - if you want your system to adapt to changes.
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Swiss Federal Audit Office
, issued in 2015
Risk cases: 4
Working of Inland Container Depots and Container Freight Stations
NEW! Online report on audit of SAI India With this first digital audit report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, new chapter has been opened in our profession: the online form is primary versus printable pdf. Advantages: high level of readability, live responsive charts, easy browsing and search of what users find interesting. The reported performance audit concerned 'dry ports', or multimodal logistics centres, which play growing role in domestic and international trade. It shows how gaps in concept and lax attitude to internal control can result on capacities, speed of trade, and enviromental safety.
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NEW! Online report on audit of SAI India With this first digital audit report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, new chapter has been opened in our profession: the online form is primary versus printable pdf. Advantages: high level of readability, live responsive charts, easy browsing and search of what users find interesting. The reported performance audit concerned 'dry ports', or multimodal logistics centres, which play growing role in domestic and international trade. It shows how gaps in concept and lax attitude to internal control can result on capacities, speed of trade, and enviromental safety.
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Comptroller and Auditor General of India
, issued in 2017
Risk cases: 5
Conflicts of interest
First, recognise the conflicts of interest are a real risk the British NAO gathered a significant amount of intelligence on conflicts, particularly in the health and education sectors. These are areas of government where services are increasingly commissioned and delivered by parties at arm’s-length to departments. Conflicts of interest can occur naturally as a product of the way a system is designed and most often arise from operational situations.
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First, recognise the conflicts of interest are a real risk the British NAO gathered a significant amount of intelligence on conflicts, particularly in the health and education sectors. These are areas of government where services are increasingly commissioned and delivered by parties at arm’s-length to departments. Conflicts of interest can occur naturally as a product of the way a system is designed and most often arise from operational situations.
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National Audit Office
, issued in 2015
Risk cases: 8
Products sold on the European market: unravelling the system of CE marking
Problems with general picture The Netherlands National Court of Audit was interested in finding out whether anyone keeps track of all the actors involved in the process of system of European Union product markings. The interest was aroused by an observation that the vast majority of the questions raised about the system were prompted by incidents and that the questioners did not generally appear to be interested in the operation of the system as a whole...
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Problems with general picture The Netherlands National Court of Audit was interested in finding out whether anyone keeps track of all the actors involved in the process of system of European Union product markings. The interest was aroused by an observation that the vast majority of the questions raised about the system were prompted by incidents and that the questioners did not generally appear to be interested in the operation of the system as a whole...
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The Netherlands Court of Audit
, issued in 2017
Risk cases: 5
Protection against fraud in migration activities at missions abroad
Migration activities can be a subject to fraud The audit showed that reports on alleged fraud in migration activities at missions abroad increased continually between 2014 and 2017. Altogether about 60 alleged cases of fraud were reported during the period, including selling interview appointments, stolen visa stickers, issuing visas on false grounds and prohibited searches in case management systems. Missions abroad, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Swedish Migration Board are all responsible for migration activities at missions abroad. The division of responsibility between them is sometimes unclear and difficult to assess. According to the Swedish NAO this leads to particular challenges in ensuring satisfactory and common protection against fraud at missions abroad. Ensuring protection is made even more difficult in that the missions abroad vary regarding in terms of size, case volume, case mix and risk exposure. In addition, for the missions abroad the internal control requirements are notsufficiently explicit.
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Migration activities can be a subject to fraud The audit showed that reports on alleged fraud in migration activities at missions abroad increased continually between 2014 and 2017. Altogether about 60 alleged cases of fraud were reported during the period, including selling interview appointments, stolen visa stickers, issuing visas on false grounds and prohibited searches in case management systems. Missions abroad, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Swedish Migration Board are all responsible for migration activities at missions abroad. The division of responsibility between them is sometimes unclear and difficult to assess. According to the Swedish NAO this leads to particular challenges in ensuring satisfactory and common protection against fraud at missions abroad. Ensuring protection is made even more difficult in that the missions abroad vary regarding in terms of size, case volume, case mix and risk exposure. In addition, for the missions abroad the internal control requirements are notsufficiently explicit.
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Swedish National Audit Office
, issued in 2018
Risk cases: 2
Electronic Health Records - VA Needs to Identify and Report Existing System Costs
Difficulties after 30 years of decentralized development The US Department of Veterans Affairs provides health care services to approximately 9 million veterans and their families. However, the IT system they use is more than 30 years old, is costly to maintain, and does not fully support exchanging health data. The US GAO, analyzed the system's modenization plans and found serious problems with definition and cost estimation.
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Difficulties after 30 years of decentralized development The US Department of Veterans Affairs provides health care services to approximately 9 million veterans and their families. However, the IT system they use is more than 30 years old, is costly to maintain, and does not fully support exchanging health data. The US GAO, analyzed the system's modenization plans and found serious problems with definition and cost estimation.
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US Government Accountability Office
, issued in 2019
Risk cases: 3
Digital transformation in government
Support exemplars, provide consistent guidance... and do not lose focus As the NAO states: Government faces significant challenges in providing public services. While many government services are now available online, public administration is struggling to manage more complicated programmes and to improve the complex systems and processes that support public services.
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Support exemplars, provide consistent guidance... and do not lose focus As the NAO states: Government faces significant challenges in providing public services. While many government services are now available online, public administration is struggling to manage more complicated programmes and to improve the complex systems and processes that support public services.
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National Audit Office
, issued in 2017
Risk cases: 4
Improved Planning and Performance Measures Are Needed to Help Ensure Successful Technology Modernization
Massive modernization effort needs coordination Social security issues can touch lives of many. Information technology in this area are increasingly costly and difficult to maintain. GAO is recommending to develop comprehensive metrics to effectively gauge modernization progress; complete comprehensive strategic planning, including its enterprise architecture; and define the new roles and responsibilities to help ensure effective oversight.
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Massive modernization effort needs coordination Social security issues can touch lives of many. Information technology in this area are increasingly costly and difficult to maintain. GAO is recommending to develop comprehensive metrics to effectively gauge modernization progress; complete comprehensive strategic planning, including its enterprise architecture; and define the new roles and responsibilities to help ensure effective oversight.
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General Accountability Office
, issued in 2012
Risk cases: 3