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Improved Planning and Performance Measures Are Needed to Help Ensure Successful Technology Modernization
Massive modernization effort needs coordination Social security issues can touch lives of many. Information technology in this area are increasingly costly and difficult to maintain. GAO is recommending to develop comprehensive metrics to effectively gauge modernization progress; complete comprehensive strategic planning, including its enterprise architecture; and define the new roles and responsibilities to help ensure effective oversight.
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General Accountability Office , issued in 2012
Risk cases: 3
Performance Audit of the Management of ICT in the Criminal Justice Sector
The Norwegian OAG has assesed how the Ministry of Justice and Public Security has discharged its responsibility for effiecient case processing through developing and applying Information ... and Communications Technology (ICT) in the criminal justice sector ... ... Unclear signals from a Ministry weaken development of ICT in the justice chain ... Points by SAI Norway: development of an overall rolling action plan based on the current ICT (Information and Communication Technology) strategy for the justice sector, performance-oriented ... reporting from the subordinate agencies, ensuring that the new ICT Police System takes into account other sub-sectors need for electronic interaction.
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Office of the Auditor General of Norway , issued in 2012
Risk cases: 2
Use of European Union funds in promoting information society
. Balanced distribution of aid means that development of the information society entails paying attention (and ideally providing proportional funding) to information systems aimed at the public sector, private ... Development Plan, and not paid enough attention on improving the competitiveness of companies and supporting the IT development projects that are aimed at the third sector. Also, the selection of IT projects ... The National Audit Office audited the use of the aid allocated from the structural funds of the European Union (hereinafter EU aid) in the information technology (IT) area of the state. The National ... Riigikontroll auditeeris Euroopa Liidu struktuurifondidest ehk tõukefondidest eraldatud toetuste (edaspidi ELi toetusraha) kasutamist riigi infotehnoloogia (IT) valdkonnas. Uuriti, kas raha jagamine ... infoühiskonna arendamise eesmärgil on olnud tasakaalustatud ja läbipaistev ning kas toetuste jagamise üle tehakse piisavat järelevalvet. Riigikontrolli hinnangul on riik infoühiskonna arengukava rakendamiseks ... toetuste jagamisel keskendunud liiga riigile suunatud IT-arenduste rahastamisele ning jätnud tagaplaanile ettevõtete konkurentsivõime parandamisele ja kolmandale sektorile suunatud IT arendusprojektide ... Balance needed for success of Information Society Development Plan ... 50% of aid has been granted primarily for the development of information systems of state agencies, i.e. as much as the other two target groups - business and citizens - put together. Information ... , true suppervision and measurement of progress are listed by the Estonian SAI as next key elements necessary to keep balanced development of strategy for Information Society.
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National Audit Office of Estonia , issued in 2012
Risk cases: 2
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