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Federal Human Resources Data
Internal control weaknesses may put mission at risk GAO audited the Enterprise Human Resources Integration payroll data warehose. The American auditors pointed at problems that may impede 'leverage of these data to meet its mission and allow others to make full use' of them. The critical internal contols areas to be improved in this cas are: completeness, accuracy, and validity of information, authorization, documentation, monitoring, results' evaluation.
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General Accountability Office , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 2
VETERANS’ HEALTH CARE - Preliminary Observations on VHA’s Claims Processing Delays and Efforts to Improve the Timeliness of Payments to Community Providers
, GAO obtained fiscal year 2015 data on the timeliness of VHA’s, Medicare’s, and TRICARE’s claims processing. GAO visited 4 of 95 VHA claims processing locations (selected on the basis of variation ... Due to increases in expenditures and utilization of VA care in the community services in recent years, VHA has had difficulty processing claims in a timely manner. In planning to consolidate its ... /> This statement, which is based on ongoing work, summarizes GAO’s preliminary observations about (1) VHA’s, Medicare’s, and TRICARE’s claims processing timeliness in fiscal year 2015; (2) factors that have impeded ... Data processing hold back by technology limitation, workload and administrative burden ... US GAO analyzed all factors of slower processing and user unfriendliness that occur sometimes to the veterans healthcare. The main focus is data processing - and it has been proved that it can ... be failing not only because of technology, but also because of work-process design, staff and organisation.
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General Accountability Office , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 6
Opportunities Exist for SEC to Improve Its Controls over Financial Systems and Data
. In carrying out its mission, the SEC relies on computerized information systems to collect, process, and store sensitive information, including financial data. Having effective information security controls ... The SEC is responsible for enforcing securities laws, issuing rules and regulations that provide protection for investors, and helping to ensure that the securities markets are fair and honest ... in place is essential to protecting these systems and the information they contain. <br/> This report details weaknesses GAO identified in the information security program at SEC during its audit ... IT security basics under scrutiny ... Financial audit by US GAO was accompanied by an IT examination focused on information security measures in the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). GAO found that SEC’s systems could ... be compromised, because of risks jeopardizing the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive financial information.
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General Accountability Office , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 5
Cost-intensive data centres stood idle for years
Idle data centres As found by the German SAI, some of costly Federal data centres stood largely idle. The Ministry failed to adequately assess the project risks. The Ministry needs to avoid similar shortcomings in the proposed federal IT consolidation project.
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Bundesrechnungshof , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 1
Whether Disclosure of the Public Sector Data Is Ensured
Strategy more important than declarations Why open data are so dificult to become reality? Lithuania possesses the elements required to disclose data but lacks a strategic approach. The report by SAI Lithuania reviews all critical elements of this problem. Most of them look like a pattern reproduced by other countries. And one important thing: the SAI Lithuania opened their own data - exactly on the day of publication of the audit report!
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National Audit Office of the Republic of Lithuania , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 9
Management of IT security in systems outsourced to external suppliers
Security to be improved in IT processes outsourced to external suppliers When IT processes are outsourced to external suppliers, the authorities no longer have direct control of the IT security, but remain responsible for managing the security of the IT. Authorities that fail to manage IT security actively based on risk assessments, and omit to monitor the implementation of these requirements, will not be able to determine if the level of IT security in the outsourced systems safeguards their systems and data. This is how the conclusion of the Rigsrevisionen starts. The Danish auditors noticed improvement in the audited entities, but they add that tha majority of the auditees: can refine their requirements for and follow-up on access control and logging practices
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National Audit Office of Denmark , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 3
Management of Information Resources of the Ministry of the Interior
management. Their impact is important not only because the Ministry manages 16 information resources, which ensure data availability to the population, efficient activity of the services, and operation ... of 2016. For data analysis, data from other periods was used. The audit was conducted in the Ministry of the Interior. We also collected information at the Information Technology and Communications ... Department and State Enterprise Regitra which are responsible for administration of the information resources managed by the Ministry as well as data security and development. ... ... Process maturity examination can help in IT audit ... also flaws in change management and security processes. But the finding, which gave them the key to the root cause of problems, was connected with maturity assessment of the auditee's IT processes. ... Main risk areas in case of this audit were strategic and organisational - Ministry’s weak ownership of IT resources, insufficient audit and internal control function. SAI Lithuania auditors found
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National Audit Office of the Republic of Lithuania , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 4
OMB and Agencies Need to Focus Continued Attention on Implementing Reform Law
How to invest efficiently in IT IT investments are large and growing position in annual budgets. Historically, they have frequently failed, incurred cost overruns and schedule slippages, or contributed little to mission-related outcomes. GAO recommendations focus on the oversight and execution of the data center consolidation initiative, the accuracy and reliability of the IT Dashboard, and incremental development policies.
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General Accountability Office , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 3
Homeland Security. Oversight of Neglected Human Resources Information Technology Investment Is Needed
Human resources IT investments get stuck in management's lack of interest Although the Human Resources Information Technology (HRIT) investment was initiated about 12 years ago with the intent to consolidate, integrate, and modernize the department's human resources IT infrastructure, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has made very limited progress in achieving these goals. HRIT's minimally involved executive steering committee during a time when significant problems were occurring was a key factor in the lack of progress. This is particularly problematic given that the department's ability to efficiently and effectively carry out its mission is significantly hampered by its fragmented human resources. DHS's ineffective management of HRIT, such as the lack of an updated schedule and a life-cycle cost estimate, also contributed to the neglect this investment has experienced. DHS will be limited in efficiently tracking and reporting accurate, comprehensive performance and learning management data across the organization, and could risk further implementation delays.
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US Government Accountability Office , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 1
Performance Audit of the Georgian Government electronic Procurement system
of existing data through effective procurement policies and procedures. <br /> Having considered aforementioned factors, SAO conducted performance audit of the Georgian electronic Government Procurement system ... State procurement is one of the key components of public financial management. Its share in state budget is approximately 25 percent. Effective management of state procurements is an important sphere ... of interest for the State Audit Office. Considering the fact that since 2010 major part of public procurements is being conducted electronically and there is no alternative tool, uninterrupted provision ... ... Electronic procurement system - how effective are management and control mechanisms? ... SAI Georgia analyzed the electronic Government Procurement system. In their report they focus on compliance and security problems, which may harm the business goals and overall mission of the system.
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State Audit Office Of Georgia , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 5
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