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Analysis of Trends in SAI Japan’s Findings
Analysis of IT audit cases by Board of Audit of Japan in years 2004-12. ... Not used IT systems and overpaid 'ghost' services ... Wrap-up of almost a decade of SAI of Japan's IT related audits results in a form of list of most often found problems. On the top of the list are unwanted or overpaid IT systems and too expensive ... maintanance. It makes you thinking: if one of the world technology leaders could find this, what could we find in our country...
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Board of Audit of Japan , issued in 2014
Risk cases: 3
Does the Admin PKI correspond to the original objectives and the needs of the Federal Administration and the Cantons?
The SFAO has audited the Admin PKI, the basic infrastructure and offering for the issuing of digital certificates within the Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication ... (FOITT). The examination concentrated on assessing the development and current operation as well as future prospects. Admin PKI refers to all processes and the hardware and software needed for issuing ... certificates of different grades. ... Internal coordination can be more difficult than the external one ... A successful project of digital certificates distribution had difficult time when main Government players disagreed.
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Swiss Federal Audit Office , issued in 2010
Risk cases: 1
Analysis of alternatively financed building projects of the Federal Institutes ofTechnology
Analysis of alternatively financed building projects Hundreds of millions was invested by third parties in the Swiss Confederation's real estate portfolio and analyses show a net return of over 4% for investors. Early exit from this alternative financing must be examined to get some advantages and greater attention must be paid to the economic effectiveness for future financing models.
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Swiss Federal Audit Office , issued in 2017
Risk cases: 2
Smart tax administration system
Smart tax vs. shadow economy Lithuanian taxpayers use the e-services and the Lithuanian state uses a data analytics centre to handle part of the identified data modelling. The smart tax administration project's objetives are to enhance the positive processes. As the SAI Lithuania discovered, due to the implementation weaknesses, however, the project's success may be partially reduced.
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National Audit Office of the Republic of Lithuania , issued in 2019
Risk cases: 5
Telecommunication solutions in the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Strategies need systemic analysis Bosnia and Herzegovina state auditors analysed a set of strategies related to telecom solutions across the BiH administration. They found that lack of a systemic approach and of analytical support reduced abilities of the organistations to make full use of the up-to-date technologies.
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Audit Office of the Institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina , issued in 2014
Risk cases: 3
The BBC’s understanding of its audiences and users
Understand your audience, BBC Audience data and insights are critical to the success of broadcasters - which is also true in the case of the world renowned British Broadcasting Corporation. Auditors reviewed the BBC's main projects and the analyst team dedicated to collect and interpret the audience related information. Data coherence, review of performance and benefits traicing - belong to key areas in need of substantial refinements.
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National Audit Office , issued in 2019
Risk cases: 6
The rural broadband programme
Intervention in a noncompetitive market The British NAO's audit report of 2013 concerns ambitious yet delayed UK government programme, which objective was to have the best superfast broadband network in Europe by 2015. The report focuses on one of the programme's main problems: rural areas, where commercial providers had no plans to invest, because of lower returns.
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National Audit Office , issued in 2013
Risk cases: 7
Evaluation of the effectiveness of implementation and compliance with regulatory enactments and the legal framework of the project “E-government Portfolio”
The objective of the audit is to evaluate the effectiveness of implementation and compliance with regulatory enactments and the legal framework of the project “Egovernment Portfolio” of the national ... programme of the European Regional Development Fund (hereinafter: ERDF) of the European Union (hereinafter: EU), “Development and improvement of the infrastructural foundation for electronic governance”. ... ... Funds to absorb but no efficient project methodology? Be prepared for troubles ... Wide list of problems that can be met when more care is received by 'absorb funds' objective than by clear vision what and how can be improved. SAI Latvia's analysis shows how dangerous it can ... be for both effectiveness and financial management.
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State Audit Office of Latvia , issued in 2010
Risk cases: 3
Management of Police Information Resources
, monitoring, evaluation and coordination and other aspects of registers and IS strategic management. The audited period was 2012-2014. For the analysis, there were used previous data and data of 2015 ... . The objective of the audit is to evaluate information resource management and development control of the Department of Police. ... Police tasks of the necessary data are processed departmental registers, information systems, automated data processing systems and networks where information is stored, processed and transferred ... ... Fundamentals of IT organisation ... Review by SAI Lithuania makes readers aware that nowadays it is difficult to develop a larger IT system without whole conceptual infrastracture: planning composed into strategy of the organisation ... and well understood architecture of information. Well functioning IT management structures, which on the other hand may sound trivial, were proved here as the key to success.
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National Audit Office of the Republic of Lithuania , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 4
Immigrant students and the effectiveness of basic education
Data analysis in education SAI Finland performed independent analysis to find out real situation regarding immigrant students' education. They found that despite more positive attitude than in case of native students, the immigrants' performance and education outcomes need more support.
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National Audit Office of Finland , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 3
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