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The Actıvıtıes Carrıed out wıthın the Framework of e-Transformatıon Turkey Project
'e-Transformation Turkey' Project Turkish SAI report presents a checklist of issues, which were spotted during the large scale e-Government transformation.
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Turkish Court of Accounts , issued in 2006
Risk cases: 4
Cyber security of border controls operated by Dutch border guards at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport
Airport prepares for cyber attacks Who does not know the Amsterdam Airport? As put by the Netherlands Court of Audits: the IT systems used for border controls at the Schiphol Airport are in the midst of a process of rapid development. The auditors reviewed the process and pointed at necessity of formal certification and better mechanism of information analysis. The report picutres also the organisation of the controls - must read for all frequent fliers
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Netherlands Court of Audits , issued in 2020
Risk cases: 8
Steps Needed to Identify Acquisition Training Needs for Non-Acquisition Personnel
Non-Acquisition staff can be crucial for acquisition Despite from hundreds of billions of dollars spent annually to acquire products and services, the US Department of Defense does not full information about staff to be trained. The information is needed about the non-acquisition staff, who can play crucial role in particular acquisitions. As GAO underlines, their identification is necessary to fully understand the training needs and... budget.
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US Government Accountability Office , issued in 2019
Risk cases: 4
The effectiveness of Official Development Assistance expenditure
Need of more coordination and transparency The audit of the UK's Official Development Assistance revealed among others: fragmented responsibilities and difficulties in review and reporting. These led to difficulties in assessment of effectiveness of the assistance and of progress in implementing the UK Aid Strategy.
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National Audit Office , issued in 2019
Risk cases: 4
Open Data Trend Report 2015
How to activate the open data policy The Dutch SAI looks for ways to improve open data practice in the Netherlands. They point at experience of two leading countries: UK and US, and advise to: prepare a concrete action plan, to increase number of mandatory published data, to develop government-wide data inventory and to put open data to work.
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Netherlands Court of Audits , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 4
Conflicts of interest
First, recognise the conflicts of interest are a real risk the British NAO gathered a significant amount of intelligence on conflicts, particularly in the health and education sectors. These are areas of government where services are increasingly commissioned and delivered by parties at arm’s-length to departments. Conflicts of interest can occur naturally as a product of the way a system is designed and most often arise from operational situations.
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National Audit Office , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 8
Has Public Administration Used All Opportunities for Efficient Management of ICT Infrastructure?
Efficient Management of ICT Infrastructure Centralised management of ICT services and infrastructure would allow the institutions to optimise in long run their resources – financial, human, material and technical. However, we observed during the audit that the move towards ICT centralisation and single data centres has ceased. The different ministries and even the institutions subordinated to the same ministry do not cooperate sufficiently with each other regarding the ICT management, maintenance, and infrastructure placement. They rather choose to maintain their own, sometimes even several, data centres.
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State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia , issued in 2019
Risk cases: 3
Online fraud
Uneven response to online fraud This type of fraud can affect everyone, but yet it is not a strategic priority for local police forces and the response from industry is uneven. UK NAO underlines: For too long, as a low-value but high-volume crime, online fraud has been overlooked by government, law enforcement and industry. It is a crime that can affect everyone. Fraud is now the most commonly experienced crime in England and Wales, is growing rapidly and demands an urgent response. Yet fraud is not a strategic priority for local police forces, and the response from industry is uneven.
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National Audit Office , issued in 2017
Risk cases: 6
Electronic Records. Management and Preservation Pose Challenges
Basics of electronic records management This audit of GAO, reported in 2003, can be helpful in looking for basic problems in electronic records management. These problems are compounded as computer hardware, application software, and even storage media become obsolete, as they may leave behind electronic records that can no longer be read.
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General Accountability Office , issued in 2003
Risk cases: 7
Housing in England: overview
Efforts to support housing Even if housebuilding in England has not kept pace with need and there has been a reduction in social rented homes, significant advantages can be enjoyed: an increase in home ownership and in the number of private rented homes. The quality of housing improved in recent years too. The National Audit Office has reviewed critical elements of the housing being one of the government's key priorities. Looking for risks, they found that a potential conflict of objectives can lead to tensions in delivery.
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National Audit Office , issued in 2017
Risk cases: 2
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