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Audit to the Social Security Systems of Collection of Contributions and Quotes and Relationship with Banking and other Entities Engaged in Collection Initiatives
The audit aims to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the processes implemented in respect of the processing schemes of contributions/quotas, whose Wages Statements (WS) entered ... into the system in the first quarter of 2007, test the reliability, stability and confidence level of the application systems developed and the respective values processed in the entire collection circuit ... and respective accounting, and also check compliance with the contracts celebrated with banking entities. ... ... Application level of Social Security IS analyzed ... Processes maturity and automation of controls appeared to be main problems in the system which reliability, stability and confidence level were tested.
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Risk cases: 2
Risks of e-Governance Strategy Dominated by Outsourcing
Audit of IT service in Ministry of Public Assets gave an opportunity to analize risks related to outsourcing dominated e-Governance strategy. Important findings were identified in preparation ... and testing stages, stemming from poor Business Case. ... ... IT outsourcing risks ... Presentation based on audit of IT services in Polish Ministry of Public Assets. Outsourcing risks were classified and next identified at Business Case, preparation and teststing stages.
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Supreme Audit Office of Poland , issued in 2010
Risk cases: 4
Effectiveness of internal controls in the protection of personal data in national databases
The NAO analysed seven national databases in order to find out how the legitimate use of personal data is ensured. In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act, the agencies who run databases ... must ensure that personal data is protected from abuse. The information system of the database must function appropriately, incl. be reliable and safe. Log files must be retained of all instances ... of viewing, amending, deleting, transmitting of data, etc. These files must allow ex-post determination of who did what, why, when and using which data. In its audit the NAO focused on the functioning ... ... Basic controls analysis can fail in data protection ... Estonian SAI analyzed personal data safety. Main finding were: poor log analysis and unprotected data.
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National Audit Office of Estonia , issued in 2008
Risk cases: 2
Public access point to the Polish e-Administration
Coordinated audit series (46 auditees) focused on a web solution applied to give an easy access to Government e-services (the project planned to be completed in 2013) The audit was performed in 2008 ... and public report issued in March 2009. Primary goal of th presentation was intended to illustrate the use of 'e-Government Algorithm' elaborated by EUROSAI IT Working Group in 2005. One of issues mede better ... known by the audit was 'Project Frameworks vs Public Procurement'. ... ... Buyer, provider and methodologies need a balance ... Presentation based on a vast audit by Polish SAI which subject was of big network project aiming to provide one access point to Government and Selfgovernments services. The presentation illustrates ... old EUROSAI IT Wg 'Algorithm approach' and focuses on procurement systemic problems.
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Supreme Audit Office of Poland , issued in 2008
Risk cases: 3
Lessons learned from government ICT-projects
This audit has been performed on request of the Dutch parliament. Some newspapers mentioned government losses of four to five billion euro's on a yearly bases. These news items caused the parliament ... to request this audit. The audit has been performed in only 5 months time and consisted of the re-use of earlier performed audits. We have 'recycled' earlier findings about ICT-projects. ... 'Expensive' does not always mean 'High Quality', so... do not feed the spiral ... Excellent analysis of systemic errors commited when designing Government IT projects. The report aims at the essence of problems which are encountered far from information technologies - in: politics ... , business, psychology... Do not be mislead by date of report, it is evergreen for all who really want to know why IT projects fail.
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Netherlands Court of Audits , issued in 2007
Risk cases: 3
IT Support in the Judicial Chain
The Swedish National Audit Office has examined how well agencies in the judicial chain have handled known flaws in their IT support and whether the Government’s control mechanisms have provided ... the agencies with sufficient prerequisites to expand and improve IT support. ... ... Needed: good conditions by government, better steering and control by authorities ... Despite many years’ of work to modernize the IT support within the judiciary, there are still many deficiencies. The Government has not given the authorities good conditions enough to lead the work ... . The authorities, in their turn, need to improve their steering and control, as well as interact to a much higher degree.
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Swedish National Audit Office , issued in 2011
Risk cases: 3
Coordination of Infrastructure Works by Metropolitan Municipalities
Rapid population growth at metropoles as well as dense and planless structuring, especially in İstanbul and Ankara, have lead to an increase in demand for utilities services and consequently ... , in the resources used for the construction and maintenance of utilities. Moreover, in cities with dense population, damages to roads and sidewalks during the construction and maintenance of utilities cause problems ... in daily life, create financial burden and necessitate effective solutions. The purpose of this audit is to ensure that metropolitan municipalities eradicate defects in implementation, and Ministry ... ... ... Start geographic information system with cooperation rules and digital maps ... Organization of geographic and infrastructure information systems is an especially difficult task when bacause vast and intense coordination is necessary. The Turkisch Court of Accounts lists ... problems that reduce use and rise costs of this fundamental task.
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Turkish Court of Accounts , issued in 2008
Risk cases: 2
The implementation of national IT projects in social and health care
IT management expenditure in public administration totalled about 2.1 billion euros in 2009. IT management expenditure by local authorities and federations of municipalities in the field of health ... care totalled about 270 million euros ino 2009. Health care's share of IT management expenditure in public administration thus amounted to about 13 per cent in 2009. ... ... IT-centred manner of project implementation can harm IT investments' results ... SAI Finland perfomed a vast review of IT projects in health and social protection. Many interesting findings cover structural problems, as 'Many separate systems with no future' and characteristics ... of poor governance, as 'No cost monitoring - unclear objectives - arguable usefulness'.
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National Audit Office of Finland , issued in 2011
Risk cases: 3
Supply of food and medicinal products
Supply of food and medicinal products Deficiencies in emergency preparedness and weaknesses in governance are still found by the Swedish NAO in the system of safeguarding supply of food and medicinal products. The system is complex and NAO appreciates efforts made by responsible agencies. However, they found also insufficient clarity in division of responsibilities and weaknesses in coordinantion.
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Swedish National Audit Office , issued in 2018
Risk cases: 2
Audit of the key ICT project federal GEVER programme Federal Chancellery
During the first stage, two new GEVER (electronic records and process management) products were procured in an open WTO tender within the framework of the two-product strategy (federal GEVER WTO ... procurement project). CHF 1.6 million was spent on these. The departments and Federal Chancellery (departments/FCh) had to choose one of the two products within three months of the contract being awarded. ... ... Advanced process management system's cost-effectiveness and deadlines at risk ... Ever since 1990, sequential controls and file management have been part of the Federal Administration's IT landscape (GEVER business administration). Significant obstacles have to be overcome ... in order to ensure the successful creation and introduction of GEVER. Previous efforts did not have any widespread success and led to a diverse GEVER landscape. The federal GEVER project has now laid ... the foundations for simplification and centralisation.
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Swiss Federal Audit Office , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 2
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