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Finally updating the central information system for VAT control
IT system to support combating VAT frauds German Bundesrechnungshof demanded to update the IT system, which plays crucial role in the European system of fighting fraud related to the Value Added Tax (VAT). This BRH's case shows that reminding about appropriate follow-up can be as important as the very recommendation.
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Bundesrechnungshof , issued in 2014
Risk cases: 1
Managing the risk of legacy ICT to public service delivery
The cross-government report describes the case studies from four public services (state pension, Value Added Tax collection, prescription payment and consumer credit licensing services) selected ... to illustrate the range of approaches that small and large government bodies are taking to address the issues arising from legacy ICT (defined as "systems and applications that have been operationally embedded ... within a business function but superseded by newer and more effective technologies or changed business needs"). ... Possible approaches to the problem of 'legacy ICT' ... UK’s government experience in managing the risks connected to legacy ICT provides valuable insight for others facing the same problem and are considering transforming their services.
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National Audit Office , issued in 2013
Risk cases: 3
Improving government’s planning and spending framework
Value for money vs. short-term planning NAO reviewed the UK government's progress in improving their planning and spending framework. The auditors found that the complex structure and lack of longer term perspective in planning form a significant obstacle to fully benefit from the framework.
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National Audit Office , issued in 2018
Risk cases: 7
VAT risk assessment - better use made of information generated by inspections on company premise
Tax inspections may add up to the VAT risk assessment, but... The audit by the German BRH shows that general tax inspections on company premises can also reveal facts that may be relevant for VAT risk assessment. 'However, this information cannot be adequately used for VAT risk assessment because it is not available in electronic format.'
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Bundesrechnungshof , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 1
Staff scheduling in government institutions
Scheduling irregular hours work Danish Rigsrevisionen shows in their study problems with staff scheduling in government institutions where employees are required to work irregular hours. Optimized staff scheduling contributed to reducing payroll costs. On the other hand, problems with rearrangement of work, recording working hours, optimisation of staffing levels and analysis of overtime triggers - add up to high costs of workforce. IT is not always used as ally either.
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National Audit Office of Denmark , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 5
IT security in the Federal Administration
The SFAO has audited the Admin PKI – the basic infrastructure and offering for the issuing of digital certificates – within the Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication ... (FOITT). The examination concentrated on assessing the development and current operation as well as future prospects. Admin PKI refers to all processes and the hardware and software needed for issuing ... certificates of different grades. ... Technical and organizational deficiencies work together against data security ... Only minor deficiencies were revealed in the Windows environment but only in case of Microsoft products.Providers' lack of both assertiveness and synergy adds to 'the great unknown' of authonomous ... entities' networks.
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Swiss Federal Audit Office , issued in 2011
Risk cases: 4
Management of IT security in systems outsourced to external suppliers
Security to be improved in IT processes outsourced to external suppliers When IT processes are outsourced to external suppliers, the authorities no longer have direct control of the IT security, but remain responsible for managing the security of the IT. Authorities that fail to manage IT security actively based on risk assessments, and omit to monitor the implementation of these requirements, will not be able to determine if the level of IT security in the outsourced systems safeguards their systems and data. This is how the conclusion of the Rigsrevisionen starts. The Danish auditors noticed improvement in the audited entities, but they add that tha majority of the auditees: can refine their requirements for and follow-up on access control and logging practices
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National Audit Office of Denmark , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 3
Audit to the Social Security Systems of Collection of Contributions and Quotes and Relationship with Banking and other Entities Engaged in Collection Initiatives
into the system in the first quarter of 2007, test the reliability, stability and confidence level of the application systems developed and the respective values processed in the entire collection circuit ... The audit aims to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the processes implemented in respect of the processing schemes of contributions/quotas, whose Wages Statements (WS) entered ... and respective accounting, and also check compliance with the contracts celebrated with banking entities. ... ... Application level of Social Security IS analyzed ... Processes maturity and automation of controls appeared to be main problems in the system which reliability, stability and confidence level were tested.
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Risk cases: 2
Online fraud
Uneven response to online fraud This type of fraud can affect everyone, but yet it is not a strategic priority for local police forces and the response from industry is uneven. UK NAO underlines: For too long, as a low-value but high-volume crime, online fraud has been overlooked by government, law enforcement and industry. It is a crime that can affect everyone. Fraud is now the most commonly experienced crime in England and Wales, is growing rapidly and demands an urgent response. Yet fraud is not a strategic priority for local police forces, and the response from industry is uneven.
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National Audit Office , issued in 2017
Risk cases: 6
Operation of the Hungarian State Holding Company in 2009
assets and the preservation of its values. ... The State Audit Office of Hungary audited the Hungarian State Holding Company (hereinafter: HSHC). The aim of the audit was to evaluate if the practice of the property management system ... and activities were in harmony with the goals stipulated by the legislation, if the institutional system established for state property management and utilisation ensured the efficient functioning of the state ... ... Effective property management requires effective data management ... The State Audit Office of Hungary audited the Hungarian State Holding Company and found that reliable data management is essential for effective property management. The IT project aimed ... at supporting state property management had serious deficiencies in the field of project management. As a consequence of the weaknesses in data management, the chartered accountant refused giving an opinion both ... in 2008 and 2009 as there were no reliable data available for an opinion on the financial report.
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State Audit Office of Hungary , issued in 2010
Risk cases: 2
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