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Effectiveness of development of broadband network or high-speed internet
The National Audit Office audited whether the state has made every effort to ensure that everyone can have unlimited access to fast internet connection by 2020. The National Audit Office also ... analysed whether the network of fibre-optical cables or the basic broadband network, which is built with European Union support and should guarantee high-speed internet connection, has helped to achieve ... this goal. ... ... ... Slower broadband paid by customers ... and institutions. Private companies have not entirely met the Government's expectations. The Estonian SAI has looked for an answer: Why? ... The Estonian Information Society Development Plan foresees that high-speed internet of 30 Mbit/s should be accessible to all people in Estonia by 2020 and that 60% of the population will be using ... superfast internet of over 100 Mbit/s. To achieve these goals, the state, with the help of European Union support, decided to establish a broadband network which is not further than 1.5 km from 98% of homes
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National Audit Office of Estonia , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 3
Use of European Union funds in promoting information society
Development Plan, and not paid enough attention on improving the competitiveness of companies and supporting the IT development projects that are aimed at the third sector. Also, the selection of IT projects ... The National Audit Office audited the use of the aid allocated from the structural funds of the European Union (hereinafter EU aid) in the information technology (IT) area of the state. The National ... Audit Office checked whether the distribution of funds for the development of the information society has been balanced and transparent, and whether the distribution of aid is adequately supervised ... Riigikontroll auditeeris Euroopa Liidu struktuurifondidest ehk tõukefondidest eraldatud toetuste (edaspidi ELi toetusraha) kasutamist riigi infotehnoloogia (IT) valdkonnas. Uuriti, kas raha jagamine ... infoühiskonna arendamise eesmärgil on olnud tasakaalustatud ja läbipaistev ning kas toetuste jagamise üle tehakse piisavat järelevalvet. Riigikontrolli hinnangul on riik infoühiskonna arengukava rakendamiseks ... toetuste jagamisel keskendunud liiga riigile suunatud IT-arenduste rahastamisele ning jätnud tagaplaanile ettevõtete konkurentsivõime parandamisele ja kolmandale sektorile suunatud IT arendusprojektide ... Balance needed for success of Information Society Development Plan ... 50% of aid has been granted primarily for the development of information systems of state agencies, i.e. as much as the other two target groups - business and citizens - put together. Information ... , true suppervision and measurement of progress are listed by the Estonian SAI as next key elements necessary to keep balanced development of strategy for Information Society.
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National Audit Office of Estonia , issued in 2012
Risk cases: 2
Broadband: Observations on Past and Ongoing Efforts to Expand Access and Improve Mapping Data
Successful broadband delivery with challenges Review of the GAO audits concerned with broadband deployment, expecially across areas where costs are high and returns on the investment are low.
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US Government Accountability Office , issued in 2020
Risk cases: 5
ACQUISITION REFORM: DOD Should Streamline Its Decision-Making Process for Weapon Systems to Reduce Inefficiencies
Refinement of decision-making processes The US Department of Defense (DOD) has long sought to improve the efficiency of its weapon system acquisition process, including the time and effort needed to complete the milestone decision process. Good practices of some DOD programs and five commercial firms were used by GAO to look for new momentum in refining the process.
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US Government Accountability Office , issued in 2015
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Conflicts of interest
First, recognise the conflicts of interest are a real risk the British NAO gathered a significant amount of intelligence on conflicts, particularly in the health and education sectors. These are areas of government where services are increasingly commissioned and delivered by parties at arm’s-length to departments. Conflicts of interest can occur naturally as a product of the way a system is designed and most often arise from operational situations.
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National Audit Office , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 8
ACQUISITION REFORM: DOD Should Streamline Its Decision-Making Process for Weapon Systems to Reduce Inefficiencies
Refinement of decision-making processes The US Department of Defense (DOD) has long sought to improve the efficiency of its weapon system acquisition process, including the time and effort needed to complete the milestone decision process. Good practices of some DOD programs and five commercial firms were used by GAO to look for new momentum in refining the process.
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US Government Accountability Office , issued in 2015
Risk cases: $risks.size()
ACQUISITION REFORM: DOD Should Streamline Its Decision-Making Process for Weapon Systems to Reduce Inefficiencies
Refinement of decision-making processes The US Department of Defense (DOD) has long sought to improve the efficiency of its weapon system acquisition process, including the time and effort needed to complete the milestone decision process. Good practices of some DOD programs and five commercial firms were used by GAO to look for new momentum in refining the process.
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US Government Accountability Office , issued in 2015
Risk cases: $risks.size()
ACQUISITION REFORM: DOD Should Streamline Its Decision-Making Process for Weapon Systems to Reduce Inefficiencies
Refinement of decision-making processes The US Department of Defense (DOD) has long sought to improve the efficiency of its weapon system acquisition process, including the time and effort needed to complete the milestone decision process. Good practices of some DOD programs and five commercial firms were used by GAO to look for new momentum in refining the process.
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US Government Accountability Office , issued in 2015
Risk cases: $risks.size()
ACQUISITION REFORM: DOD Should Streamline Its Decision-Making Process for Weapon Systems to Reduce Inefficiencies
Refinement of decision-making processes The US Department of Defense (DOD) has long sought to improve the efficiency of its weapon system acquisition process, including the time and effort needed to complete the milestone decision process. Good practices of some DOD programs and five commercial firms were used by GAO to look for new momentum in refining the process.
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US Government Accountability Office , issued in 2015
Risk cases: $risks.size()
ACQUISITION REFORM: DOD Should Streamline Its Decision-Making Process for Weapon Systems to Reduce Inefficiencies
Refinement of decision-making processes The US Department of Defense (DOD) has long sought to improve the efficiency of its weapon system acquisition process, including the time and effort needed to complete the milestone decision process. Good practices of some DOD programs and five commercial firms were used by GAO to look for new momentum in refining the process.
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US Government Accountability Office , issued in 2015
Risk cases: $risks.size()
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