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Higher education institutions' provision of premises- room for improvement
How to pay for higher education institutions' premises Higher education institutions' rental costs constitute a significant part of central government rental expenses. Swedish NAO analysed results of reform, which aimed at more effective use of resources at central government agencies and more effective management of real property and assets for the State as a whole. Apart from the positive results as a whole, substantial room for improvement still exists: especially in identifying targets of costs, looking for incentives and in mitigating commercial approach to education institutions.
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Swedish National Audit Office , issued in 2018
Risk cases: 2
The Annual Municipal Accounts as a basis for comparing municipalities - are the cost indicator reliable?
Municipal accounting: more standardized or more controlled Municipalities report among others, their costs, which cannot be directly attributed to any specific activity, product, or service. Standardized taxonomies exist, but they are not applied uniformly. Swedish NAO traces ramifications: lower ability to compare municipalities' data and need of more central level control.
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Swedish National Audit Office , issued in 2018
Risk cases: 3
Improving broadband
Lessons of Superfast Programme UK NAO's report on goverments extensive support to the superfast internet, with special focus on the Future Programme perspectives. Influence of the COVID-19 pandemic considered.
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National Audit Office , issued in 2020
Risk cases: 7
General and Creation Control of the Information Systems of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The objective of the audit was to assess general and creation control of the information systems of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since the beginning of 2009, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has ... achieved considerable progress in the management of the information systems. The auditors reviewed and assessed all key elements of the process. ... Overview of problems - area by area ... SAI Lithuania looked into all critical elements of a Ministry's information system, starting from IT architecture, through information security to automation of data processing.
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National Audit Office of the Republic of Lithuania , issued in 2013
Risk cases: 4
The protection of valuable forest
Protection of valuable forest Protection of valuable forest land is an important mean of achieving the environmental quality objectives. Governments can establish formal protection of forests through the formation of national parks, biotope conservation areas, nature reserves or by signing nature conservation agreements. Beyond the state's formal protection of forests, the forest owners themselves are also expected to contribute through voluntary set-asides of forest. From a state perspective, it is important to investigate whether or not the resources for formal protection are being used cost-effectively. However, in order to achieve cost-effective formal protection work, the state also needs to address forest owners' voluntary set asides.
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Swedish National Audit Office , issued in 2018
Risk cases: 4
Performance measurement by regulators
Performance measurement for regulators Primary adressees of this good practice guide - by the British NAO - are regulators, the public institutions established for making sure that an industry or system works legally and fairly. But we are sure that many more can find this guidance useful - including auditors. NAO presents a comprehensible framework for performance measurement and hints how to focus on influence that regulators can use.
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National Audit Office , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 2
Is the project 'E-health in Latvia' a step towards the right direction?
Objective of the audit was to verify efficiency and productivity of the actions by the institutions in charge for implementation of the e-health, as well as to audit economy and productivity of use ... of funds invested in the project for achievement of set objectives and gaining the planned benefits. Audit covered such main questions: 1) Will the e-health policy be able to solve problems and achieve ... the objective? 2) Are the actual activities performed by the National Health Service justified for achievement of the set objectives? 3) Will necessary information security and personal data protection be ensured ... E-health is a step forward in right direction, but not all objectives will be reached! ... Project “E-health in Latvia” supports healthy lifestyle, it will provide valuable and accessible information and will promote more efficient provision of services to patients. It is undoubtedly ... a step towards the right direction then. However, as found the Latvian SAI, the e-health policy will not be implemented within the initially planned scope and deadline and within set data security levels ... , thus the objective of this policy – to promote more effective provision of healthcare services will be attained only partially.
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State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 3
Management of Information Resources of the Ministry of Agriculture
The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania has managed 32 information systems and registers. Of these, 24 ones are managed, developed and upgraded by a state enterprise subordinate ... to the Ministry of Agriculture, the Agricultural Information and Rural Business Centre. The annual amount allocated by the Ministry for the maintenance of the Centre totals LTL 17.5 million on average ... . The objective of the audit was to assess the general and development controls of the information resources of the Ministry of Agriculture. The audit was conducted at the Ministry of Agriculture and the state ... ... Without appropiate IT management  it is hard to achieve reliable, consistent and secure systems for agriculture ... Since 1996 the Ministry has been using information systems of varying complexity for collecting and processing data, including personal data. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania ... has managed 32 information systems and registers. SAI of Lithuania revealed that systems were not well mantained what affected use of funds devoted to the systemsand also their legality and security.
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National Audit Office of the Republic of Lithuania , issued in 2013
Risk cases: 2
Analysis of alternatively financed building projects of the Federal Institutes ofTechnology
Analysis of alternatively financed building projects Hundreds of millions was invested by third parties in the Swiss Confederation's real estate portfolio and analyses show a net return of over 4% for investors. Early exit from this alternative financing must be examined to get some advantages and greater attention must be paid to the economic effectiveness for future financing models.
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Swiss Federal Audit Office , issued in 2017
Risk cases: 2
Recovery of housing allowance - easy to make mistakes
Avoid mistakes in housing allowance recovery Housing allowance recovery rules are complex and outdated. What more, ad hoc changes can result in unpredicted deficiencies. The Swedish NAO found that monitoring and evaluation based analysis is of critical importance to avoid problems on the administration side - and what much more important: on the side of financialy vulnerable households.
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Swedish National Audit Office , issued in 2018
Risk cases: 4
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