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RURAL BROADBAND DEPLOYMENT: Improved Consistency with Leading Practices Could Enhance Management of Loan and Grant Programs
Green Book can help in broadband development US GAO applied its COSO based Green Book to review consistency of support programs for rural information infrastructure.
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US Government Accountability Office , issued in 2017
Risk cases: 7
Cyber Attacks: Securing Agencies’ICT Systems
were considered serious enough to warrant a Cyber Security Operations Centre response. <br/> The protection of Australian Government systems and information from unauthorised access and use is a key ... of sensitive personal information. Unauthorised access through electronic means, also known as cyber intrusions, can result from the actions of outside individuals or organisations. Individuals operating from ... within government may also misuse information which they are authorised to access, or may inappropriately access and use government information holdings. <br/> Audit objective was to assess selected ... ... Cyber-security strategy needs consistent implementation and periodic reviews ... List of 35 mitigation controls against cyber intrusions are a basic tool of information security strategy of the Australian Government. Top four are: 1. application whitelisting, 2. patching ... application, 3. patching operating systems, 4. minimising administrative privileges. Analysis by the ANAO helps to fill gaps and to direct next steps.
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The Australian National Audit Office , issued in 2014
Risk cases: 3
Informatisation of hospitals
The goals of the audit were: 1. Assesment to what degree service providers are prepared to implement the electronic health information system. 2. Assessment of government activities related ... to the construction of the health information system within the framework of the "Healthcare Informatisation Program" ... ... Sometimes it is really not about the money.. ... Informatisation of healthcare is one of the most money-consuming IT activities of the State. Polish NIK shows how a poor concept can delay modernization of hospitals. The new IT system was expected ... to take some burden off doctors, streamline medical care, prevent fraud and improve efficiency. But will it be created at all?
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Sumpreme Audit Office , issued in 2013
Risk cases: 3
Is the project 'E-health in Latvia' a step towards the right direction?
the objective? 2) Are the actual activities performed by the National Health Service justified for achievement of the set objectives? 3) Will necessary information security and personal data protection be ensured ... in the newly built e-health information system? 4) Has an efficient supervision and control of the project 'E-health in Latvia' been set up? ... Objective of the audit was to verify efficiency and productivity of the actions by the institutions in charge for implementation of the e-health, as well as to audit economy and productivity of use ... E-health is a step forward in right direction, but not all objectives will be reached! ... Project “E-health in Latvia” supports healthy lifestyle, it will provide valuable and accessible information and will promote more efficient provision of services to patients. It is undoubtedly ... a step towards the right direction then. However, as found the Latvian SAI, the e-health policy will not be implemented within the initially planned scope and deadline and within set data security levels ... , thus the objective of this policy – to promote more effective provision of healthcare services will be attained only partially.
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State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 3
Effectiveness of internal controls in the protection of personal data in national databases
must ensure that personal data is protected from abuse. The information system of the database must function appropriately, incl. be reliable and safe. Log files must be retained of all instances ... of internal controls which must ensure the accuracy and preservation of data and avoid information leaks. ... The NAO analysed seven national databases in order to find out how the legitimate use of personal data is ensured. In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act, the agencies who run databases ... ... Basic controls analysis can fail in data protection ... Estonian SAI analyzed personal data safety. Main finding were: poor log analysis and unprotected data.
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National Audit Office of Estonia , issued in 2008
Risk cases: 2
IT strategy of Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
The SFAO conducted an IT audit in 2009, in order to evaluate goal achievement and cost effectiveness of information and communication technology by Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich ... ). [p. 11] ... Performance audit of IT strategy in research area ... Interesting problems of IT strategy implementation - including that of organizational authonomy skope.
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Swiss Federal Audit Office , issued in 2010
Risk cases: 1
Coordination of Infrastructure Works by Metropolitan Municipalities
Rapid population growth at metropoles as well as dense and planless structuring, especially in İstanbul and Ankara, have lead to an increase in demand for utilities services and consequently ... , in the resources used for the construction and maintenance of utilities. Moreover, in cities with dense population, damages to roads and sidewalks during the construction and maintenance of utilities cause problems ... in daily life, create financial burden and necessitate effective solutions. The purpose of this audit is to ensure that metropolitan municipalities eradicate defects in implementation, and Ministry ... ... ... Start geographic information system with cooperation rules and digital maps ... Organization of geographic and infrastructure information systems is an especially difficult task when bacause vast and intense coordination is necessary. The Turkisch Court of Accounts lists ... problems that reduce use and rise costs of this fundamental task.
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Turkish Court of Accounts , issued in 2008
Risk cases: 2
The Shared Services Centre
The necessary environment for the efficient management of the Shared Service Center is lacking The department's administration of the Shared Services Centre (SSC) has been effective for sharing resources between the departments and delivering selected back-office services to a small client base. However, the governance arrangements established to oversight the SSC have not positioned it well for the future and the departments have not yet determined if the arrangement is efficient and resulting in savings. ANAO found instances where the advisory board of SSC was not consulted or involved in decisions relating to the strategic direction, financial arrangements and expenditure priorities. Information reported to the board did not focus on areas of strategic importance and the quality and completeness of this information could be improved. The mechanisms established for setting out responsibilities and obligations and ensuring transparency for services delivered by the SSC was weak. Service standards and levels were not fixed and can change. The delineation of responsibilities between the SSC and its clients was not clear and there was no commitment by the SSC to certify the quality of its control framework.
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The Australian National Audit Office , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 2
Prevention Activities Against Traffic Accidents
traffic accidents, which are dramatically leading to loss of life and property. Examination and evaluation of the Traffic Information Systems (TIS) under the traffic control headline. TIS' main purpose ... Performance Audit Studies covering certain IT Issues related to Prevention Activities Against Traffic Accidents. It aims to contribute to the continuous improvement of prevention activities against ... is to conduct the traffic control activities efficiently with the help of systematic data. Objective of this audit was to contribute to the continuous improvement of prevention activities against traffic ... ... ... You need a way more than IT, to make an IT system successful ... SAI of Turkey examined the Traffic Information Systems and found out that not only IT infrastructure determined the audited IT project's outcomes. There were also non-IT issues that decided: low ... quality of driving education, poor technical infrastruture, as well as lack of monitoring and coordination at prioritization stage.
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Turkish Court of Accounts , issued in 2008
Risk cases: 4
For the sake of security – intelligence sharing between the Police Authority and the Swedish Security Service
Cooperation between Police and Security Service The Swedish NAO audited whether the Police Authority and the Swedish Security Service share intelligence effectively to prevent and combat violent extremism and terrorism. In this highly non-typical environment, some universal rules turned out to be still valid. We would like to emphasise role of : organizational patterns, information access rights and sincere feedback.
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Swedish National Audit Office , issued in 2018
Risk cases: 3
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