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The purpose of the audit was to assess whether cyber security is being ensured in Lithuania. In view of this goal, we assessed whether: (1) an effective cyber security system has been set up; (2 ... ) cyber security is ensured in public establishments. During the audit, the SAI Lithuania analysed current regulation, strategic planning and management practices in the field of cyber security ... and electronic information security as well as the funds allocated and used in this area. The SAI evaluated whether the cyber security and electronic information security objectives detailed in planning documents ... ... Cyber-security is much more than preventing incidents ... SAI Lithuania determined that the issue of ensuring and increasing cyber security and resilience has not been effectively addressed at the national level. The focus has primarily been on reacting ... to and preventing incidents in cyber space, which means that traditional issues related to electronic information security (confidentiality, integrity, accessibility) have been neglected, and from 2015, not enough ... attention has been paid to development, legislation, improvement of organisational structure, etc. in this field.
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National Audit Office of the Republic of Lithuania , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 6
Audit on the current management and supervision of information protection and cyber security in the financial sector
- Evaluation of management and supervision of information protection and cyber security in the financial sector - Evaluation of current state of security management system in the financial sector ... - Based on a sample of 10 public institutions and 9 financial institutions. ... Information Protection and cyber security in the financial sector ... SAI Korea reviewed 10 public and nine financial institutions. Their analysis shows how the lack of evaluation at management level can result in decrease of stakeholders' confidence or even ... in economic damage.
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Board of Audit and Inspection of Korea , issued in 2011
Risk cases: 2
Homeland Security. Oversight of Neglected Human Resources Information Technology Investment Is Needed
Human resources IT investments get stuck in management's lack of interest Although the Human Resources Information Technology (HRIT) investment was initiated about 12 years ago with the intent to consolidate, integrate, and modernize the department's human resources IT infrastructure, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has made very limited progress in achieving these goals. HRIT's minimally involved executive steering committee during a time when significant problems were occurring was a key factor in the lack of progress. This is particularly problematic given that the department's ability to efficiently and effectively carry out its mission is significantly hampered by its fragmented human resources. DHS's ineffective management of HRIT, such as the lack of an updated schedule and a life-cycle cost estimate, also contributed to the neglect this investment has experienced. DHS will be limited in efficiently tracking and reporting accurate, comprehensive performance and learning management data across the organization, and could risk further implementation delays.
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US Government Accountability Office , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 1
Improved Planning and Performance Measures Are Needed to Help Ensure Successful Technology Modernization
Massive modernization effort needs coordination Social security issues can touch lives of many. Information technology in this area are increasingly costly and difficult to maintain. GAO is recommending to develop comprehensive metrics to effectively gauge modernization progress; complete comprehensive strategic planning, including its enterprise architecture; and define the new roles and responsibilities to help ensure effective oversight.
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General Accountability Office , issued in 2012
Risk cases: 3
Cyber security resilience of the Danish public sector II
Danish NAO underlines that public authorities depend on IT to deliver their services. Thus, major IT problems and loss of data relating to critical IT systems can have far-reaching consequences for the government, citizens and companies. The audit focused on IT contingency plans, secure continuity of operations and mitigation of the consequences of system breakdowns or data losses in the event of major IT breakdowns. Approximately 90 of the government's IT systems are assessed to be critical by the departments.
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National Audit Office of Denmark , issued in 2023
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Management of IT security in systems outsourced to external suppliers
Security to be improved in IT processes outsourced to external suppliers When IT processes are outsourced to external suppliers, the authorities no longer have direct control of the IT security, but remain responsible for managing the security of the IT. Authorities that fail to manage IT security actively based on risk assessments, and omit to monitor the implementation of these requirements, will not be able to determine if the level of IT security in the outsourced systems safeguards their systems and data. This is how the conclusion of the Rigsrevisionen starts. The Danish auditors noticed improvement in the audited entities, but they add that tha majority of the auditees: can refine their requirements for and follow-up on access control and logging practices
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National Audit Office of Denmark , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 3
Actions of national and municipal authorities to ensure the fulfillment of the obligations under the Loan Agreement “Safety Net and Social Sector Reform Program” between the Republic of Latvia and the World Bank
The audit was planned and conducted so as to provide reasonable assurance that the national and municipal authorities have implemented the measures specified in the Program Document and ensured ... the fulfilment of the prescribed performance targets. ... ... Well coordinated information structure is necessary for the unemployment benefits system ... SAI Latvia reviewed the unemployment benefits system and analyzed the cosequences of poor information flow among state and municipalities registers. Findings presented in the report are result ... of effective use of CAAT software.
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State Audit Office of Latvia , issued in 2011
Risk cases: 1
Security of servers managed by the Danish Agency for Governmental IT Services
Servers are essential part of IT infrastructure. At the same time, they are vulnerable to cyberattacks, because they can be exploited by hackers to gain unauthorized access to the system and steal sensitive information, corrupt data, or cause systems to malfunction. Once the security of a server is compromised, attackers can gain access to other computers and servers across the network. Danish auditors paid attention to risky stages of servers lifecycle. The Danish Agency for Governmental IT Services managed 5,353 servers on behalf of 46 authorities in time of the audit. 537 of these servers were no longer supported by their developers because they have reached the end of their lifecycle.
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National Audit Office of Denmark , issued in 2023
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Cyber security of border controls operated by Dutch border guards at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport
Airport prepares for cyber attacks Who does not know the Amsterdam Airport? As put by the Netherlands Court of Audits: the IT systems used for border controls at the Schiphol Airport are in the midst of a process of rapid development. The auditors reviewed the process and pointed at necessity of formal certification and better mechanism of information analysis. The report picutres also the organisation of the controls - must read for all frequent fliers
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Netherlands Court of Audits , issued in 2020
Risk cases: 8
Audit of the DTI key project Polycom Value Preservation 2030 with a focus on the border security subnetwork
The Swiss Federal Audit Office’s recent review of the Polycom Value Preservation 2030 project highlights effective management and coordination by the Federal Office for Customs and Border Security. Despite the rapid technological transition, the project remains on track for completion by the end of 2024, with dismantling expected by the end of 2025. This audit underscores the project’s robust planning and execution, ensuring Switzerland’s security radio system is up-to-date and reliable. Polycom is the security radio system of Switzerland's authorities and organisations for rescue and security. Due to the manufacturer's change of technology, the system in Switzerland needs to be brought up to date. Parallel operation is necessary as long as both technologies are in use. The Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (FOCBS) is con- tributing around CHF 65 million to this technological development. Together with the Fed- eral Office for Civil Protection (FOCP), the Confederation is investing a total of around CHF 160 million in this project.
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Swiss Federal Audit Office , issued in 2024
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