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Audit of the procurement of ICT products with the potential to be standard products
ICT procurement system reviewed SFAO points out what is critical in ICT procurement. Requirements management is extremely important, as well as procurement strategies for relevant product groups. Legal rules should protect investments and support competition, but they can still be insufficient without appropriate reporting - if you want your system to adapt to changes.
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Swiss Federal Audit Office , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 4
Actions of national and municipal authorities to ensure the fulfillment of the obligations under the Loan Agreement “Safety Net and Social Sector Reform Program” between the Republic of Latvia and the World Bank
The audit was planned and conducted so as to provide reasonable assurance that the national and municipal authorities have implemented the measures specified in the Program Document and ensured ... the fulfilment of the prescribed performance targets. ... ... Well coordinated information structure is necessary for the unemployment benefits system ... SAI Latvia reviewed the unemployment benefits system and analyzed the cosequences of poor information flow among state and municipalities registers. Findings presented in the report are result ... of effective use of CAAT software.
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State Audit Office of Latvia , issued in 2011
Risk cases: 1
Audit on the operation of the “Ministry of Finance” Central Budget Chapter
The audit was carried out on the "Ministry of Finance" central budget chapter and covered the period of 2003-2008. One of the audited activities of the Ministry were the IT systems ... and their development and the role of the Hungarian State Treasury within the IT framework of public finances. ... ... Simple receipt: calculate costs, standardize data, divide duties... ... Hungarian Audit Office analyzed in detail fundamentals of proper IT investment taking into account problems of Budget Management System.
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State Audit Office of Hungary , issued in 2008
Risk cases: 3
Management of Police Information Resources
Police tasks of the necessary data are processed departmental registers, information systems, automated data processing systems and networks where information is stored, processed and transferred ... to the classified information. The police department has all of these information resources, so the audit focused on the activities and actions of the Department to ensure planning and organizing of the recourses ... , monitoring, evaluation and coordination and other aspects of registers and IS strategic management. The audited period was 2012-2014. For the analysis, there were used previous data and data of 2015 ... ... Fundamentals of IT organisation ... Review by SAI Lithuania makes readers aware that nowadays it is difficult to develop a larger IT system without whole conceptual infrastracture: planning composed into strategy of the organisation ... and well understood architecture of information. Well functioning IT management structures, which on the other hand may sound trivial, were proved here as the key to success.
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National Audit Office of the Republic of Lithuania , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 4
Performance measurement by regulators
Performance measurement for regulators Primary adressees of this good practice guide - by the British NAO - are regulators, the public institutions established for making sure that an industry or system works legally and fairly. But we are sure that many more can find this guidance useful - including auditors. NAO presents a comprehensible framework for performance measurement and hints how to focus on influence that regulators can use.
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National Audit Office , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 2
Australian Taxation Office: Administration of Australian Business Number Registrations
More elligibility and data integrity needed The Australian Business Number (ABN) and Australian Business Register initiatives were implemented as part of theGovernment's comprehensive reform of the taxation system in 2000. Their introduction involved challenging issues of technology and governance , including the imperative to process and register significant numbers of applications in a short time. Overall, the Australian SAI concluded that the ABN registration process is operating effectively. However, matters relating to the eligibility of some ABN applicants need to be reviewed. Further, some data integrity issues remain outstanding.
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The Australian National Audit Office , issued in 2003
Risk cases: 3
Digital transformation in government
Support exemplars, provide consistent guidance... and do not lose focus As the NAO states: Government faces significant challenges in providing public services. While many government services are now available online, public administration is struggling to manage more complicated programmes and to improve the complex systems and processes that support public services.
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National Audit Office , issued in 2017
Risk cases: 4
Material–technical supply of the State Police
. The audit included inspections performed at the State Police, the Ministry of the Interior and the Information Centre and focused on: the Biometric data processing system and the Criminal Procedure ... information system. ... The main aim of the audit was to obtain assurance about whether the State budget funds allocated for material–technical supply of functions of the State Police were legitimate and efficient ... ... Essential role of pre-project evaluation ... SAI of Latvia reveals chain of events that lead to unsuccessful implemenation of two important IS of the State police. What started with an absence of the strategy ended up with budget, time ... overruns and an IS not ready for effiecient use.
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State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia , issued in 2013
Risk cases: 6
Management and protection of assets in the field of the information-communication technologies at the ME SR
the compliance with the generally binding legal regulations and the general statues in the field of the information-communication technologies (ICT) and the information systems of the public administration (ISPA ... internal and security directives, unidentified critical and strategic Information Systems (IS), absolutely unsatisfying principles, procedures, conditions and policy relating to the data backuping (and ... The Supreme Audit office of the Slovak Republic (SAO SR) has conducted the audit at the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic (ME SR) for the audit period 2011 and 2012 to examine ... ... Started from contracting, ended in security ... The perceptive and filled with findings audit - conducted by the Slovak SAI - discovered the list of issues which started in careless contracting procedures, failure to update the development concept ... and ended in exposing the organization to high security risks.
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Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic , issued in 2012
Risk cases: 4
Incorrect payments in social insurance - Control activities of the Swedish Social Insurance Agency
In 2014 the social insurance system accounted for six per cent of GDP. The long-term sustainability of a system of that magnitude requires that the public perceives its purpose to be important ... these things function as they should, the system is perceived to be legitimate and enjoys public confidence.<br/> According to available estimations, almost SEK 20 billion had been paid out incorrectly from ... the social insurance system as a whole. According to the estimates made, about SEK 1.2 billion had been underpaid and the rest was made up of benefits where the person insured had received overpayment.<br ... Balance of priorities needed to reduce incorrect payments ... of each system, still, the prevention of incorrect payments needs strategic support to be really effective. ... Role of social insurance in public finance is so substantial that reduction of incorrect payments' volume is matter of huge savings. The Swedish NAO noted positive initiatives by the Social Insurance ... Agency in this regard. However they found also, that serious problems can stem from giving higher priority to the speed of payment and customers satisfaction. They both are undoubtedly important features
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Swedish National Audit Office , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 3
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