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Evaluation of the effectiveness of implementation and compliance with regulatory enactments and the legal framework of the project “E-government Portfolio”
The objective of the audit is to evaluate the effectiveness of implementation and compliance with regulatory enactments and the legal framework of the project “Egovernment Portfolio” of the national ... programme of the European Regional Development Fund (hereinafter: ERDF) of the European Union (hereinafter: EU), “Development and improvement of the infrastructural foundation for electronic governance”. ... ... Funds to absorb but no efficient project methodology? Be prepared for troubles ... Wide list of problems that can be met when more care is received by 'absorb funds' objective than by clear vision what and how can be improved. SAI Latvia's analysis shows how dangerous it can ... be for both effectiveness and financial management.
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State Audit Office of Latvia , issued in 2010
Risk cases: 3
The development and use of identification services in public administration
The audit examined the implementation and coordination of projects aimed at developing identification services in public administration, cooperation among authorities in this area and compliance ... with legislation in procuring services. The audit also examined development, control and monitoring structures regarding identification services. The audit focused on electronic identification services that are used ... in public administration's electronic transactions. ... ... Unhealthy competition linked with lack of coordinatnion and with procurement irregularities ... See what may go wrong with the IT public procurement. Check out what is the basis to avoid irregularities or omissions in complying with public procurement legislation. National Audit Office ... of Finland identified also risks resulting from lack of horizontal coordination.
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National Audit Office of Finland , issued in 2008
Risk cases: 3
Preparations and realization of the State A-levels
The aim of the audit was to scrutinise the utilisation of the state budget and EU budget funds that had been spent on preparing and implementing the State A-levels examinations. The auditing ... operation was performed from May to November 2011. The audited period extended from January 1, 2005, to June 30, 2011; where relevant, the data from the previous period and the period until the end ... of the auditing operation were also scrutinized. Among the audited bodies were the Ministry of Education, the Education Result Survey Centre, and the National Institute for Further Education. The auditing operation ... ... Begin with good strategy ... Analyzing problems of state examinations system, Czech Republic SAI found that commonplace strategy effected in shortsighted planning, poor procurement and disadvantageous contracting.
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Supreme Audit Office of Czech Republic , issued in 2011
Risk cases: 4
The Ministry of the Environment lacks a compact information system and still uses 125 separate information systems and databases
The objective of the audit was to scrutinise the management of funds earmarked for the purchase and administration of ICT within the MoE and selected organisations which come under the management ... of the MoE. The audit identified the following risks: (1) non-existence of the Integrated environmental information system (IEIS) as an independent information system; (2) purchase of ICT, within the budget ... chapter of the MoE, through a state co-funded organisation CENIA which comes under the management of the MoE; (3) utilisation of the information systems. The audited period was 2010 to 2013; where relevant ... ... Ministry of the Environment manages 125 information systems and databases ... The Ministry of the Environment (MoE) has for more than 20 years a legal obligation to administer and manage an Integrated Environmental Information System (IEIS). In spite of this fact, the existing ... systems (more than 125 information systems and databases) are designed, implemented and managed as individual information systems without a direct integration into a joint point of reference.
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Supreme Audit Office of Czech Republic , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 7
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