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Quality of public services in information society in 2010
. Information about the services is still difficult to find on websites and people who use public services must still submit unjustified documents, proof of facts or go to administrative agencies in person ... The National Audit Office found that irrespective of a few positive changes, the quality of provision of public services in information society has not improved significantly in comparison to 2007 ... Report: The National Audit Office audited the quality of public services, analysing the compatibility of provision of these services with the principles of good administration. The principles of good ... ... The quality of public services has been improved but still isn’t good enough ... is still difficult to find on websites and people who use public services must still submit unjustified documents, proof of facts or go to administrative agencies in person. ... Irrespective of a few positive changes, the quality of provision of public services in information society has not improved significantly in comparison to 2007. Information about the services
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National Audit Office of Estonia , issued in 2010
Risk cases: 2
The development and use of identification services in public administration
The audit examined the implementation and coordination of projects aimed at developing identification services in public administration, cooperation among authorities in this area and compliance ... in public administration's electronic transactions. ... with legislation in procuring services. The audit also examined development, control and monitoring structures regarding identification services. The audit focused on electronic identification services that are used ... ... Unhealthy competition linked with lack of coordinatnion and with procurement irregularities ... See what may go wrong with the IT public procurement. Check out what is the basis to avoid irregularities or omissions in complying with public procurement legislation. National Audit Office ... of Finland identified also risks resulting from lack of horizontal coordination.
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National Audit Office of Finland , issued in 2008
Risk cases: 3
Performance Audit of Public Debt Management Information Systems
The usage and development of the information technologies in public financial management is an important priority of the country at the phase of intensive implementation of electronic governance ... (E-Governance). The fact that information systems play crucial role in the business processes of the Ministry of Finance affects the state and the public in general. <br/> Bearing in mind the role and importance ... of information systems in the public debt management process and having considered legal requirements to information security, State Audit Office of Georgia conducted Performance Audit of Public Debt Management ... ... More effective IT governance needed ... Importance of effective performance of public debt management e-systems may be explained by the world’s increased dependence on such systems. In parallel with the performance audit of debt management ... information systems of the Ministry Of Finance of Georgia, Supreme Audit Institutions of 11 countries also studied this topic, both in terms of systems’ performance and their practical application by local ... financial institutions. Audit conducted by the State Audit Office of Georgia has revealed security and governance shortcomings related to management and usage of these systems.
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State Audit Office Of Georgia , issued in 2014
Risk cases: 5
Risks of e-Governance Strategy Dominated by Outsourcing
Audit of IT service in Ministry of Public Assets gave an opportunity to analize risks related to outsourcing dominated e-Governance strategy. Important findings were identified in preparation ... and testing stages, stemming from poor Business Case. ... ... IT outsourcing risks ... Presentation based on audit of IT services in Polish Ministry of Public Assets. Outsourcing risks were classified and next identified at Business Case, preparation and teststing stages.
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Supreme Audit Office of Poland , issued in 2010
Risk cases: 4
Protection of automatically processed personal data
protection conforms to the data processing practices; - personal data is properly processed at public sector bodies; - the State Data Protection Inspectorate (SDPI) performs sufficient supervision ... of the Interior, Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Transport and Communications, and public establishment Central Project Management Agency. ... Over the past few years, a number of legal, management, supervision, information, and methodological issues related to the protection of personal data have piled up. As they have not been fully ... ... Data protection needs a long term strategy ... not addressed by the existing legislation. Moreover, SAI of Lithuania revealed failures in organization and control of personal data protection by public sector. ... Rapid development of information and communication technology continuously brings about issues of personal data protection. Due to lack of long-term vision in this area they are frequently
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National Audit Office of the Republic of Lithuania , issued in 2013
Risk cases: 2
The implementation of national IT projects in social and health care
IT management expenditure in public administration totalled about 2.1 billion euros in 2009. IT management expenditure by local authorities and federations of municipalities in the field of health ... care totalled about 270 million euros ino 2009. Health care's share of IT management expenditure in public administration thus amounted to about 13 per cent in 2009. ... ... IT-centred manner of project implementation can harm IT investments' results ... SAI Finland perfomed a vast review of IT projects in health and social protection. Many interesting findings cover structural problems, as 'Many separate systems with no future' and characteristics ... of poor governance, as 'No cost monitoring - unclear objectives - arguable usefulness'.
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National Audit Office of Finland , issued in 2011
Risk cases: 3
Audit on the operation of the “Ministry of Finance” Central Budget Chapter
and their development and the role of the Hungarian State Treasury within the IT framework of public finances. ... The audit was carried out on the "Ministry of Finance" central budget chapter and covered the period of 2003-2008. One of the audited activities of the Ministry were the IT systems ... ... Simple receipt: calculate costs, standardize data, divide duties... ... Hungarian Audit Office analyzed in detail fundamentals of proper IT investment taking into account problems of Budget Management System.
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State Audit Office of Hungary , issued in 2008
Risk cases: 3
) cyber security is ensured in public establishments. During the audit, the SAI Lithuania analysed current regulation, strategic planning and management practices in the field of cyber security ... were achieved, how public establishments ensure cyber security, and whether technical and organisational measures for cyber security are being applied properly. ... The purpose of the audit was to assess whether cyber security is being ensured in Lithuania. In view of this goal, we assessed whether: (1) an effective cyber security system has been set up; (2 ... ... Cyber-security is much more than preventing incidents ... SAI Lithuania determined that the issue of ensuring and increasing cyber security and resilience has not been effectively addressed at the national level. The focus has primarily been on reacting ... to and preventing incidents in cyber space, which means that traditional issues related to electronic information security (confidentiality, integrity, accessibility) have been neglected, and from 2015, not enough ... attention has been paid to development, legislation, improvement of organisational structure, etc. in this field.
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National Audit Office of the Republic of Lithuania , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 6
Performance Audit of the Georgian Government electronic Procurement system
State procurement is one of the key components of public financial management. Its share in state budget is approximately 25 percent. Effective management of state procurements is an important sphere ... of interest for the State Audit Office. Considering the fact that since 2010 major part of public procurements is being conducted electronically and there is no alternative tool, uninterrupted provision ... of a high-quality service has a particular importance. <br /> It is noteworthy that establishment of open, transparent and competitive environment for the procurement parties mitigates the risks of corruption ... ... Electronic procurement system - how effective are management and control mechanisms? ... SAI Georgia analyzed the electronic Government Procurement system. In their report they focus on compliance and security problems, which may harm the business goals and overall mission of the system.
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State Audit Office Of Georgia , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 5
IT Police Systems
and organization of the project turned out to make the difference. Accordance with the public procurement law was not part of the audit as a separate investigation in that matter was carried by respective Polish ... Implementation by the Polish Police of two IT projects (E-police station and Command Support System - CSS) was audited. Both systems were to relieve the Police officers and increase the quality ... and effectiveness of their work. Audit explained the reason of failure in the case of E-police station project and success in the case of CSS. Although some irregularities occurred in both cases, careful planning ... ... A textbook example of how not to implement the IT projects ... Polish NIK compared the implementation of two flagship IT projects of the Police HQ: successful 'Command Support System' and problematic 'E-police station'. List of interesting problems appeared...
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Supreme Audit Office of Poland , issued in 2013
Risk cases: 5
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