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GAO-20-701, COVID-19: Federal Efforts Could Be Strengthened by Timely and Concerted Actions
Overview of the response to the COVID-19 The bimonthly GAO report on efforts related to the COVID-19 pandemic examines key actions the federal government. Among others, interesting points: medical supply chain, future vaccine distribution, data collection and cybersecurity.
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US Government Accountability Office , issued in 2020
Risk cases: 6
The Actıvıtıes Carrıed out wıthın the Framework of e-Transformatıon Turkey Project
'e-Transformation Turkey' Project Turkish SAI report presents a checklist of issues, which were spotted during the large scale e-Government transformation.
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Turkish Court of Accounts , issued in 2006
Risk cases: 4
Ministry of Education realized corrective measures incorrectly
The audited bodies were Ministry of Education (ME), Ministry of Informatics (MI), Institute for Educational Information, regional authorities of Liberec and Plzeň, and 42 chosen primary, secondary ... , and high schools, as well as some other educational facilities. (See the complete list of chosen schools enclosed to the audit report.). ... ... Educational project managed ineffectively ... Several problems - from documentation to ineffectiveness - in designing and financing were found by the Czech SAI in a government program: the Funding Conception for Communication Services at Schools.
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Supreme Audit Office , issued in 2007
Risk cases: 2
Correct information at the right time in healthcare and nursing – collaboration without effect?
The Swedish National Audit Office has conducted an audit to determine whether Government initiatives have contributed to the objective that authorised healthcare staff shall have access to the right ... patient information at the right time by means of direct electronic access. ... ... Information share is crucial for competitive health care ... the Government and the municipalities must improve if the investments in better access to common patient information shall get impact in practice. ... Health and social care staff has very limited access to patient information from other care-giving institutions, which may lead to health damage and wrong-treatment. The cooperation between
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Riksrevisionen (Swedish National Audit Office) , issued in 2011
Risk cases: 3
Does the Public Investment in Internet Access Reach the Population?
Middle mile network is not enough Latvia is known for its high-speed Internet provided to individuaals and business. Auditors verified results of the Government's effort to strengthen national infrastructure in this regard. They ponted at issues in: planning, risk analysis, information flow, quality and impact.
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State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia , issued in 2020
Risk cases: 6
Conflicts of interest
First, recognise the conflicts of interest are a real risk the British NAO gathered a significant amount of intelligence on conflicts, particularly in the health and education sectors. These are areas of government where services are increasingly commissioned and delivered by parties at arm’s-length to departments. Conflicts of interest can occur naturally as a product of the way a system is designed and most often arise from operational situations.
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National Audit Office , issued in 2015
Risk cases: 8
Use of consultants and temporary staff
New skills needed in a longer term UK NAO: Used well, consultants and temporary staff can be an important source of specialist skills and capabilities that are uneconomic for departments to maintain in their permanent staff. Since 2009-10, the government has used spending controls to reduce its use of consultants and temporary staff, and by 2014-15 spending had fallen by £1.5 billion. However, spending has increased by between £400 million and £600 million since 2011-12, suggesting that this was more of a short-term reduction than a sustainable strategy. In the longer term, departments will need to develop workforce, skills and capacity plans to reduce their dependence on external skills. They will need to improve their strategic workforce planning to determine where they can deploy existing staff, where they need to recruit, and where they need to engage temporary resources. Without this, departments cannot demonstrate that they are achieving value for money from the use of consultants and temporary staff.
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National Audit Office , issued in 2016
Risk cases: 7
Housing in England: overview
Efforts to support housing Even if housebuilding in England has not kept pace with need and there has been a reduction in social rented homes, significant advantages can be enjoyed: an increase in home ownership and in the number of private rented homes. The quality of housing improved in recent years too. The National Audit Office has reviewed critical elements of the housing being one of the government's key priorities. Looking for risks, they found that a potential conflict of objectives can lead to tensions in delivery.
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National Audit Office , issued in 2017
Risk cases: 2
Municipalities’ internal control system – Audit of the establishment and operation of the internal control system of municipalities – on the audit of Rudabánya
Incomplete internal control The SAI Hungary published the compliance audit of the establishment and operation of the internal control system, as well as certain investment decisions, their implementation and accounting at the Local Government of Rudabánya. Apart from positive findings, some accounting irregularities and insufficient controls established to ensure organisational integrity were pointed out.
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State Audit Office of Hungary , issued in 2018
Risk cases: 2
Effectiveness of the execution of the eHealth project
The Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia has audited how effectively the Ministry of Health had managed the project eHealth - the national plan for developing information system support ... to the national public health system in the period between 1st of January 2004 and 26th of September 2013. The audit has focused on the effectiveness of the Ministry in achieving the project’s goals, time ... management, management of the human resources and financial oversight. The goal of the Ministry was to implement a modern information system, which would support secure eHealth operations and effective ... ... Clear concept, good planning and financial control are indispensable conditions for a successful IT project ... The Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia analysed a Government eHealth project. Its goal was to implement a modern information system, which would support the health services and health related ... data. The Court has pointed at a long list of project management fundamentals to be corrected.
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Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia , issued in 2013
Risk cases: 5
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